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1、time.rb succ:返回一天后的时间,单位s 2、command.rb 作用:程序返回cmd执行的输出保留在output数组里以及执行的状态exit_status class Command def Command.run(cmd,max_time=15) output= pipe=IO.popen(#{cmd} 21,w+) if pipe begin timeout(max_time) do while !pipe.eof? do output+=pipe.gets end end rescue TimeoutError raise #{cmd} timed out!\n\n#{output[0]} end Process.wait(pipe.pid) if $?.signaled? exit_status=$?.termsig elsif $?.exited? exit_status=$?.exitstatus end else raise ERROR! Could not open pipe to #{cmd} end return [output,exit_status] end end 语法解析: 类函数的几种方式 class Example def instance_method # instance method end def Example.class_method # class method end end The value returned by a Ruby method is the value of the last expression evaluated, so we can get rid of the temporary variable and the return statement altogether. Class methods are distinguished from instance methods by their definition; class methods are defined by placing the class name and a period in front of the method name 上面的IO.open以及Process.wait(pipe.pid)都是class method的用法。 调用系统命令的几种方式: irb(main):002:0 `ls account*` #这个结果带有\n,所以要用chomp来去除 = account.rb\naccount_params\n irb(main):003:0 system(ls account*) #没有\n account.rb account_params = true irb(main):005:0 pipe=IO.popen(ls account*) #执行子进程,并将结果输出到ruby标准输出 = #IO:0x2b704a3afd00 irb(main):006:0 pipe.gets #一次得到命令执行的一行结果 = account.rb\n irb(main):008:0 pipe.gets = account_params\n irb(main):009:0 pipe.gets = nil IO类简介 standard input has an fd of 0, standard output an fd of 1, and standard error an fd of 2. a = IO.new(2, w) # 2 is standard error STDERR.puts Hello a.puts World produces: Hello World IO.open(1, w) do |io| io.puts Writing to stdout end produces: Writing to stdout pipe.pid 返回当前进程的id号 Process 和 Process::status 简介 Process.wait(pipe.pid) 等待进程的结束,返回进程的id号 pid = fork { sleep 100 } Process.kill(9, pid) ! 1 Process.wait ! 27202 $?.signaled? ! true # 被异常信号中断的进程,如kill调的进程则返回true exit


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