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中途學校營造友善的教育環境之個案研究 賴志峰 79 中途學校營造友善的教育環境 之個案研究 賴志峰* 摘 要 中途學校安置從事性交易的不幸少女,實施為期2 年的特殊教 育,中途學校的運作與友善校園的概念是息息相關的。本研究以臺灣 地區一所獨立式中途學校為對象,探討中途學校如何營造友善的教育 環境,研究發現:一、個案學校具有教育與社工的雙重系統,執行24 小時全年無休的教育任務,行政團隊透過摸索與討論,逐步建立制度 傳承。二、校長具備輔導與教育專長,全心投入校務發展,以專業、 堅持及包容,扮演療傷者的角色。三、教師的流動率雖然高,但具有 相互支持與合作的教師文化,並透過參與專業發展研習,精進教育專 業知能。四、校長引進外部諮詢專家顧問,協助教師進行課程發展, 強化教學內涵,落實全人教育的理念。五、學校提供個別化的學生輔 導與轉銜,建立溫暖關懷的師生關係,並致力重建親子關係。 關鍵詞:特殊教育、中途學校、不幸少女、教育領導 *賴志峰,逢甲大學公共政策研究所副教授 電子郵件: cflai@.tw 來稿日期:2012 年5月 17日;修訂日期: 2012 年7月 5日;採用日期: 2012 年10月 15日 80  第 107 期 Transition School and Friendly Educational Environment - A Case Study Chih Feng Lai* Abstract Female juvenile prostitutes are forced to a two-year special education program in transition school. Basically, the operation of transition school is guided by the idea of friendly campus. In this study, a transition school in Taiwan is picked up as our subject of investigation. Our purpose is to understand the different approaches in the building of a friendly educational environment. As results, one finds that: 1. A dual system combining education and social work is used. That is a 24-hour and year-round education. Administrative team gradually develops rules and regulations from experience and by discussions. 2. The role of the principals: they are proficient in counseling and education, and fully dedicated as a healer of persistence and tolerance. 3. Despite a high turnover rate of teachers, a teacher culture is built. That is a community of mutual support and cooperation, and constant learning of professional knowledge and skills. 4. The


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