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彰化市居民休閒運動參與與阻礙因素之分析研究 A Study of Leisure Sport Particpation and Constraint Factors for Chang-hua Residents 王梅子 May-Zi Wang 建國科技大學運動健康與休閒系助理教授 摘 要 本研究目的在了解彰化市居民參與休閒運動現況與阻礙之因素,以及在不同背景 特性與參與行為之差異,透過問卷調查法的方式,以彰化市居民為研究對象,採 用立意便利抽樣法,共獲得有效問卷 份。所得資料進行描述性統計、檢定、單因 301 t 子變異數分析等統計方法分析,研究發現如下: 1.就休閒運動現況而言,以從事 健走活動最多。2.就休閒阻礙而言,環境阻礙因素影響最大;其次是工作阻礙;而 以個人阻礙因素影響最小。 不同的性別、教育程度、自覺健康、個人每月收入在休 3. 閒阻礙上有差異存在。 不同運動次數、時段、休閒習慣、費用、地點在休閒阻礙上有 4. 差異存在。最後將本研究之結果,提出相關建議,以供地方政府、相關單位在推廣 與規劃休閒活動之參考。 關鍵字: 休閒運動、參與行為、阻礙因素 Abstract This main purpose of research was explore the current situation of leisure activity participation and constraints for Chang-hua City resident , and to explore in the difference of the different background characteristic and recreational sports participation. The questionnaires were gived to resident in Chang-hua, and non-random sampling method was used, 301 questionnaires were collected. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, the results of this study were as follows:1.On the current situation in terms of recreational sports to walking the most.2. On the current situation in terms of leisure constraints, environmental barriers to the greatest impact; followed by the work of obstacles; and minimal impact on their personal obstacles.3.There was significance differences in sex , educational level Perceived health , personal monthly income on leisure constraints.4. There was significance differences in leisure hours , exercise frequency , leisure habits , costs location. Finally, the


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