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Stream of Consciousness 意识流;Move beyond the limitations of the Realist novel A concern for larger factors such as social or historical change; Delve into the minds of its characters in a stream of consciousness approach. The characters’ thoughts and feelings blend into one another, and the outward actions and dialogue come second to the inward emotions and ruminations (沉思、反刍). Changes the point of view frequently, with transitions often marked by the sparse (稀少的) dialogue. While shifting the point of view from person to person, Woolf develops her characters through their thoughts, memories, and reactions to each other. The dynamics between the characters are expressed more fully by their flow of conscious in their mind (thoughts) than by their words. The light dialogue serves to break up the transitions in perspective. By all these techniques, Woolf develops her many-dimensioned characters in a unique and memorable way.;深入研究其人物的思想意识流的方法。 人物的思想和感情融入彼此,外在行为和对话来第二内心情感和沉思(沉思,反刍)。 经常变化的观点,与转换通常以稀疏(稀少的)对话。 同时将从人的角度来看,伍尔夫通过他们的思想发展她的角色,记忆,和反应。 字符之间的动态表达更充分的流动的意识头脑(思想)比他们的言语。光线对话有助于分解转换视角。 通过所有这些技术,伍尔夫发展她的多维性格以一个独特的和令人难忘的方式; Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. Women of her day were treated unfairly. She was intensely critical of patriarchal social and political system of values, particularly related to women. Virginia Woolf used her leadership and literary talent to fight for womens rights, and to bring justice to the unfair obstacles women were challenged with.;Mental Illness;Mental Illness ;Stream of Consciousness 意识流;意识流来源于心理学的词汇。意识流文学是泛指注重描绘人物意识流动状态的文学作品。意识流是在1918年梅·辛克莱评论英国陶罗赛·瑞恰生的小说《旅程》时引入文学界的。意识流文学是现代主义文学的重要分支,主要成就局限在小说领域,在戏剧、诗歌中也有表现 ;反省心理学继承了美国机能主义心理学家詹姆斯的“意识流”观点,在此基础上提出完整的四大意识流学说,对意识流做出了详细的定义和分类,意识流指“来自外界或内部无意识中的某些信息、情感、欲望以连续运动的方式进、出意识的过程”。根据意识流内容的不同,把意识流分为信息意识流、情绪意识流、欲望(意志)意识流;根据意识流的来源和形式的不同,把意识流分为内吸流、内闯流、外吸流、外闯流四大意识流。 ;女人要有一间属于自己的小


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