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Research is now suggesting something dog-lovers have long suspected - mans best friend can tell the difference between our happy and angry faces.“狗奴”们一直怀疑对汪星人——人类最好的朋友——能够分辨我们快乐和生气的表情,日前一项研究认同了这一点。 Scientists at the Messerli Research Institutes Clever Dog Lab in Vienna trained dogs to associate pictures of happy or angry faces with a reward.维也纳梅瑟利研究所“聪明狗狗”实验室(Messerli Research Institutes Clever Dog Lab)的科学家们,训练狗狗将笑脸或怒容的图片与奖励联系在一起。In a subsequent test, the scientists showed the dogs images of human faces they had not seen in their training.在接下来的测试中,科学家们给狗狗展示了一组它们在训练中从未见过的人脸图像。This suggested that dogs could spot the difference between the expressions.测试表明狗可以分辨出表情的不同。The main focus [of our research] is the big question of communication, lead researcher Prof Ludwig Huber said.“(我们研究的)重点在于“交流”这个重大问题,”研究小组负责人路德维格·胡贝尔(Ludwig Huber)教授说。How is it that dogs are so adapted to humans, and whats happened during the process of domestication?“狗是如何适应与人类亲密相处的?在驯养过程中发生了什么?”The scientists repeatedly showed 20 dogs half pictures - either the lower mouth region or the upper eye area - of happy or angry human faces.科学家反复向20只狗展示半张人类的笑脸或怒容图片——要么是只有嘴的下半部分,要么是只有眼睛的上半部分。Half the dogs received a treat when they touched an angry face with their nose. The other half were rewarded for touching happy faces.其中一半的狗用鼻子触碰生气表情的图片时,就会得到奖励。另一半则在触碰笑脸时获得奖励。Just over half the dogs learned the task well enough to be tested, and there were then a number of different tests to find out if they could tell the difference solely on the basis of facial expression.仅有超过一半的狗较好地理解了这一任务,从而有能力接受测试。随后研究人员又进行了系列不同的测试,来证明它们是否能够仅靠面部表情分辨出其中的不同。[In one test condition], we showed them new faces - faces theyve never seen before, Prof Huber told BBC News.“(在其中一项测试条件下),我们给狗狗展示新面孔,它们之前从未见过这些人脸,”胡贝尔教授接受英国广播公司采访时说。In another, we showed them different parts of the faces.“另一项测试中,我们给它们看面部的不同部分。”Showing dogs the opposite half of the face to the half they had learned to recognise in their training, showed they could transfer their knowled


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