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摘要 本系统是基于PLC的循环锅炉控制,在设计中主要有锅炉给水系统的控制、锅炉燃烧系统的控制、过热蒸汽系统的控制、开车顺序控制和安全联控系统的控制等几部分组成来实现对锅炉的循环控制。主要用三冲量法来实现对汽包液位的控制,用变频技术实现对风量的控制,用数字温度传感器来检测水温,用变频器来控制循环泵的转速,用压力传感器检测锅炉内部压力。并且通过模数转换把这些信号送入PLC中。把这些信号与PLC中内部设定的值相比,以判断PLC是否需要进行相应的操作,从而实现对锅炉的控制。设计中还涉及到控制器及其他设备的选型。本设计用PLC控制易于实现锅炉控制、而且有造价低、程序易于调试、一部分出现故障不会影响其他部分的工作、维修方便、等优点。 关键字:PLC 锅炉 传感器 控制 Abstract The system is designed bases on PLC to control boiler, it mostly makes up of water supply control system , combustion control system , overheating steam control system , driving sequence control system and connected safety control system . It use three impulse method to realize the control of the drum liquid level , frequency conversion technology to achieve the control of air, a temperature sensor to measure water temperature , a transducer to control cycle pump s rotate speed , transducer to control rotate speed of cycle pump . It sends those signals to PLC through modulus and holder those signals to compare with enactment in the PLC to judge whether PLC need to carry through relevant operation namely by this way to control the boiler . The design also involves the selection of the controller and other equipment. The design makes use of the PLC to control boiler which is easy to realize boiler heating. It is cheap to manufacture. It is easy to debug its procedure .When a part is in trouble. It does not infect others and it is convenience to mend. It is widely to use many of areas. Keyword: PLC boiler transducer control 循环锅炉控制系统设计 第一章 被控对象描述 1. 工艺流程介绍 所选被控对象为工业领域广泛应用的自然循环锅炉。 经处理的软化水进入除氧器V1101上部的除氧头,进行热力除氧,除氧蒸汽由除氧头底部通入。除氧的目的是防止锅炉给水中溶解有氧气和二氧化碳,对锅炉造成腐蚀。热力除氧是用蒸汽将给水加热到饱和温度,将水中溶解的氧气和二氧化碳放出。在除氧器V1101下水箱底部也通入除氧蒸汽,进一步去除软化水中的氧气和二氧化碳。 除氧后的软化水经由上水泵P1101泵出,分两路,其中一路进入减温器E1101与过热蒸汽换热后,与另外一路混合,进入省煤器E1102。进入减温器E1101的锅炉上水走管程,一方面对最终产品(过热蒸汽)的温度起到微调(减温)的作用,另一方面也能对锅炉上水起到一定的预热作用。省煤器E1102由多段盘管组成,燃料燃烧产生的高温烟气自上而下通过管间,与管内的锅炉上水换热,回收烟气中的余热并使锅炉上水进一步预热。 被烟气加热成饱和水的锅炉上水全部进入汽包V1102,再经过对流管束和下降管进入锅炉水冷壁,吸收炉膛辐射热在水冷壁里变成汽水混合物,然后返回汽包V1102进行汽水分离。锅炉上汽包为卧式圆


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