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本科学年论文(设计) 题目:山东多层次资本交易市场发展问题对策 学 院 XXXXXXXX 专 业 XXXXXX 班 级 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 学 号 XXXXXXXXXXX 姓 名 XXXXXX 指导教师 XXXXXX 二O一四年 六月 山东多层次资本交易市场发展问题对策 摘 要 改革开放以来,山东省的经济发展速度明显加快,2010年全省实现国内生产总值39416.2亿元,位于广东和江苏之后,居全国第3位。但随着经济增长速度的不断提高,山东省经济结构所积累的矛盾也越来越多,资本市场支持体系不健全是造成上述问题的重要原因。资本市场是伴随着经济体制改革的进程逐步发展起来的,由于建立初期改革不配套和制度设计上的局限,资本市场还存在一些深层次问题和结构性矛盾,制约了市场功能的有效发挥,山东省资本市场的突出缺陷之一就是资本市场的发展缺乏层次性。本文通过对山东省多层次资本市场建设的系统研究,首先分析山东省多层次资本市场存在的问题,进而找出其产生的原因,从各层次资本市场的结构和规模、多层次资本市场各部分之间的关系,以及法律和监管机制等方面,对完善山东省多层次资本市场提出了政策建议。 关键词:多层次资本市场;市场结构;市场发展建议 Countermeasures for the development of a multi-level capital market in Shandong ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, the growth of Shandong province economy accelerated markedly, Shandongs GDP reached about ¥3941.62billions in 2010, after in Guangdong and Jiangsu, ranking the third in the country. But with the rate of economic growth continuously improving, there are more and more contradictions accumulate in the economic structure of Shandong province. Capital market system is not perfect is an important cause of above problem. Capital market is gradually develop with the process of economic reform, since at the beginning of the establishment, the reform is not complete, and the limitation of system design, capital market still exists some deep-seated problems and structural contradictions, restricted the function of market. One of the prominent defects in Shandong capital market is the market lacks hierarchy. Based on systematic research on the multi-level capital market in Shandong province, this paper analyses the problems of multi-level capital market in Shandong province, and finds out the reasons. From the relationship between the parts of the structure and the size of the multi-level capital market, and the legal and regulatory mechanism, this paper provides some political suggestions to perfect the multi-level capital market in Shandong province. Keywords:multi-l


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