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24 3 V o.l 24 N o. 3 2008 6 JOURNA L O F M ICROW AV ES Jun. 200 8 : 1005-6122( 2008) 03-0057-04 * 陈 会 张玉兴 (, 610054) : , , , , , : , : , , , , D esign ofM icrowave Power Amplifier Based on M ult-i Harm onic B ilatera-l Pull Technology CH EN H ui ZHA NG Yu-x ing (School of ElectronicEng ineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054) A bstract: It is w ell-know n that it is mi po rtant and d i icu lt or the designer to design a pow e r am pli ie r max mi um out- pu t pow e r and add itive pow er e ic iency. H ow ever, it is conventiona l to u se the load-pull techno logy tha t mi poses the load mi - pedance on the e ec ts o output pow e r and added pow er e iciency. Consequently, the source mi pedance is se ldom consid- e red. In this pape r, it is introduced to a basic opera tiona l pr inciple and mi plem enta l approach u sing the m ulti-harmonic b ilat- e ra l-pull optmi um technology based on the harm onic balance ana lysis. By optmi izing the source and load ha rmon ic mi ped- ances w ith the CAD smi ulation, it is show n that the designer can obta in the trade-o and ba lance on the m ax mi um output pow er and best optmi al add itive e ic iency or a pow er am pli ier. K ey w ord s: B ilateral-pu ll, M u lti-harm on ic, Op tmi um techno logy, Pow er am pli ier, H arm on ic ba lance , , [ 3-5 ] ,


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