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分主题一:智库文献信息建设与服务 区域研究资源门户建设-以边界与海洋研究资源门户为例 The portal website construction of regional research resources --taking the Portal Website of Boundary and Ocean Studies as an example 引言Introduction • 本报告以武汉大学边界与海洋研究资源门户建设 为例,对区域性、专题性的研究资源门户建设的 专家需求分析、文献资源保障与建设、门户资源 组织和运行体系进行探讨。 • Take the construction of Portal website of Wuhan University Boundary and Ocean Studies as an example, focus on portal construction of regional and topical resources, the related experts requirements analysis, document guarantee, and portal resources organization and operation system are discussed. 主要内容 建设需求Construction Demand 1 2 建设过程Construction Procedure Main Contents 阶段性成果Phased Results 3 可持续发展和运行 4 Sustainable development and operation 建设需求Construction Demand 1 机构背景Background 2 研究团队Research Group 研究领域Research Field 3 4 迫切需求Urgent Requirements 机构背景Background 武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院是在外交部的支 持下于2007年3月正式成立的,是全国目前唯一专 门从事边界理论研究、边界管理实务和边界管理 人才培养的综合性跨学科研究机构。 Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies (CIBOS) was established in 2007 with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. CIBOS is the only one interdisciplinary research institution specialized in the study on boundary and maritime issues nationwide. 研究团队Research Group 现任院长胡德坤教授。成立了来自国家多部门、 多院校相关专家组成的学术委员会。 The dean: Professor Hu Dekun. Members of the Academic Committee are composed of experts from different state departments and colleges. 现有校内外各类专兼职研究人员近50人,其中, 专职人员24人,初步形成了跨文理的、专兼结合 的边界与海洋综合研究团队。 There are nearly 50 research staff, including full-t


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