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4 ( ) No. 4 2016 7 Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Science) Jul. 2016 : 1000-5641(2016)04-0111-07 ( , 200062) : (Entangled Coherent State, ECS) . (Entanglement of Formation, E) (Quantum Discord, QD) (Measurement-Induced Disturbance, MID) (Geometric Measure of Quantum Discord, GQD) , r , 0, r 0, . , (Bell) , . : ; ; : O043 : A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2016.04.013 The quantum correlation evolution properties of entangled coherent states in noisy environments YANG Zhi-gang (State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy in Science and Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China) Abstract: In this paper, quantum correlation in an entangled coherent state (ECS) is extensively studied with four popular quantifiers, namely, entanglement of formation (E), quantum discord (QD), measurement-induced disturbance (MID) and geometric measure of quantum discord (GQD). Besides, the influence of amplitude damping noises on the quantum correlation is treated. It is found that, E decreases faster than QD.E (QD or MID) behaves quite similarly in an asymmetric and a symmetric noisy channel. What’s more, it is obvious that the Bell state is not always more entangled than the ECS. Key words: entangled coherent state; amplitude damping channel; quantum correlation : 2015-06 : ; (2011CB921602, 2012CB821302) : , , , . E-mail: 779052316@. 112


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