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E M C 认证与电磁兼容卷 Cert if icat ion EMC E 共模干扰和差模干扰及其抑制技术 M C Interference 赵金奎 Zhao Jin-kui (陕西航空电气有限责任公 (T he 47th Design Research Inst itute 司第47设计研究所,中国 of S hanx i A ero Electric Co .,Ltd . No rt hwest EMC S uperv ising and 航空工业总公司西北电磁 Detect ing Center of China Av iation 兼容性监督检测中心, 兴 Indust ry Co rporat ion 平 713107) ,X ingping 713107 , China) 摘 要:文章介绍了共模干扰和差模干扰的概念及特点,对共模干扰和差模干扰的抑制技术 72 进行了分析与研究,并对产品在抗干扰方面的设计提出了若干建议。 关键词:共模(CM)干扰;差模(DM)干扰;电磁干扰 (EMI);抑制技术 中图分类号:TN710 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-0107(2006)05-0072-04 Abstract:This paper introduces the concepts and characterist ics of the co mmon mode inte rf erence and the d iff erent ia l mode inte rfe rence , and ana lyzes and researches t he rest raining technolog ies of t he common mode inte rfe rence and the diffe rent ia l mode inte rf e rence . The author a lso off ers some suggest ions on t he ant i- inte rf e rence design ing of t he products . Keyw ords:T he co mmon mode interf e rence ;T he d iffe rentia l mode interf e rence;Elect ro magnet ic interf e rence;T he rest ra ining technology CLC number:TN710 Document code:A Article ID:


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