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22 2 V o.l 22 N o. 2 2009 4 W orld Fo restry R esearch A pr2009 * 邬可义 (, 150076) 森林具有生态效益经济效益和社会效益森林三大效益的价值形态表现就是森林的生态价值经 济价值和社会价值森林价值的平衡实现是森林可持续经 和林业实现可持续发展所追求的目标文中根 据森林价值表现形态把林木资源区分为增值资源和贬值资源并给出了概念, 对森林价值平衡实现的矛 盾性可行性和可操作性进行了必要的理论探讨, 对其实现的途径方法进行了探索 森林价值平衡实现, 森林可持续经 S 750 A 100 1- 4241( 2009) 02 - 0071- 04 Im agination on Balanced Realization of ForestValues W u K ey i (H a rbin Fo restry Bureau, H arb in 150076, Ch ina ) Abstract: F orests h ave eco log ical, econom ic and social benefits. T he three values of forest are eco log ica,l econom ic and social values. T he ba lanced realization o f the forest va lu es is the target th at su stainab le forest m anagem ent and su stainab le fo restry developm ent try to pursue. A cco rd ing to the forest valu es, forest resources w ere d iv ided into appreciating resources and depreciating resources, and their conceptsw ere g iven. Contradiction, feasib ility and m aneuverab ility o f the b a lanced reali zation o f the fo rest va lu es w ere d iscu ssed theoretically. A nd the w ays and m ean s o f the realization w as also discu ssed. K ey words: b alanced realization o f forest valu es, su stainab le forest m anagem ent ession m ode l 1 , , , , , ; , , , , , , ,


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