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绗?8 鍗 绗?2 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2013 骞 12 鏈 Vol. 28 No. 12 Control and Decision Dec. 2013 鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2013) 12-1827-04 鍏锋湁骞宠 鐐规紓绉荤殑闈炵嚎鎬х郴缁熷弬鏁梆€€烩垶 鎺у埗 闄 瀹? 鍒橀洦鐢? 鍒 娉? 妗傚崼鍗 (涓崡澶у淇℃伅绉戝涓庡伐绋嬪闄紝闀挎矙410083) 鎽 瑕? 閽堝鍏锋湁鍙傛暟涓嶇‘瀹氭€х殑闈炵嚎鎬х郴缁? 鐮旂┒鍏跺弬鏁梆€€烩垶 鎺у埗闂. 棣栧厛, 褰撳鐣屾壈鍔ㄨ緭鍏ヤ负闆舵椂, 鍒╃敤闈炵嚎 鎬т唬鏁版柟绋嬬粰鍑洪潪绾挎€х郴缁熷钩琛$偣瀛樺湪鍖哄煙; 鐒跺悗, 褰撳鐣屾壈鍔ㄨ緭鍏ヤ笉涓洪浂鏃? 璁捐鐘舵€佹帶鍒跺櫒, 閫氳繃Lyapunov 鍑芥暟 娉? 鎺ㄥ鍑轰娇闂幆绯荤粺鍙傛暟绋冲畾涓旀弧瓒仇€€烩垶 鎬ц兘鎸囨爣鐨勫厖鍒嗘潯浠? 浠跨湡缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑, 鎵€璁捐鐨勷€€烩垶 鎺у埗鍣ㄨ兘鏈夋晥鍦扮ǔ瀹 闈炵嚎鎬х郴缁? 骞朵笖鍏锋湁涓€瀹氱殑饊€烩垶 鎬ц兘鎸囨爣. 鍏抽敭璇岤 闈炵嚎鎬х郴缁燂紱鍙傛暟饊€烩垶 鎺у埗锛涘钩琛$偣鍒嗘瀽锛涚嚎鎬х煩闃典笉绛夊紡 涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 TP273 鏂囩尞鏍囧織鐮? A Parametric 饊€烩垶 control of nonlinear systems with moving equilibria CHEN Ning, LIU Yu-tian, LIU Bo, GUI Wei-hua (School of Information Science and Engineering锛孋entral South University锛孋hangsha 410083锛孋hina 锛嶤orrespondent: CHEN Ning锛孍-mail 锛歯ingchen@mail.csu.edu.cn) Abstract: The parametric 饊€烩垶 control problem of nonlinear systems with uncertain parameters is investigated. Firstly, the existence region of equilibrium involves the solution of nonlinear algebraic equations with no input disturbance. Then, when the disturbance input exists, state feedback controllers are designed and the suf铿乧ient conditions which made the closed-loop system parametric stable and satis铿乪d 饊€烩垶 disturbance attenuation are formulated by using the Lyapunov function. The simulation results show that the designed controllers can effectively stabilize the nonlinear systems and nonlinear systems have certain 饊€烩垶 disturbance attenuation. Key words: nonlinear systems 锛沺arametric 饊€烩垶 control 锛沞quilibrium analysis 锛沴inear matrix inequality 0 寮曞紩寮 瑷€瑷€瑷€ 杩欎簺鍙傛暟鍙戠敓鏀瑰彉鏃? 灏变細鏀瑰彉鍔ㄦ€佽妭鐐逛箣闂寸殑鑰﹀悎 闈炵嚎鎬х郴缁熺殑鎻忚堪缁忓父鍖呮嫭涓€浜涗笉


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