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中国科技资源导刊 ISSN 1674-1544 CHINA SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES REVIEW 2011 7 43 4 71-78 ISSN 1674-1544 Vol.43 No.4 71-78 Jul. 2011 年 月 第 卷第 期 , 国际文献交换能力与 国际文献交换绩效关系的研究 俞国琴 (上海图书馆/上海科学技术情报研究所,上海 200031) 摘要:尝试从国际文献交换能力角度,对国际文献交换各个要素的绩效水平以及两者直接的协调程度进行价值研 究,探讨如何从交换的本质转化为交换的价值表现形式,从成本、效益、灵活性等方面综合考虑国际文献交换后的整体 绩效水平,以最低的总费用实现必要的国际文献交换功能,满足用户的要求,从而极大地提高国际文献交换价值。有效 的交换运作能力将使国际文献交换绩效表现出乘数效用,当国际文献交换运作能力得到提高后,再针对性地进行要素能 力的提高,这样可以保证文献交换投资得到有效运用,使文献交换的综合绩效表现最优,并降低其投资风险。 关键词:国际文献交换;交换能力;交换绩效 中图分类:G253.3 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3772/j .issn.1674-1544.2011.04.012 Research on the Performance of International Literature Exchange Capability Yu Guoqin (Shanghai Library / Institute of Scientific Technical Information of Shanghai, shanghai 200031) Abstract: Due to the multiplier function of the operating capability to the performance of international literature exchange, the operating capability of international literature exchange should be improved first followed by the improvement of the relevant element capabilities to ensure the effective use of the literature exchange investment, optimize the comprehensive performance of the literature exchange, and reduce the investment risk. Making analysis of the performance of international literature exchange capability is favourable to the optimization of the literature exchange resources allocation and integration between state libraries and thereby the value of the international literature exchange is greatly increased. Keywords: international literature exchange, capability, performance, evaluation 性常常遭到威胁 。这主要有 4 个原 因。一是短期 1 引言 行为严重 。交换主体只顾 眼前而不顾长远 ;资金 在 国际文献 交 换 市 场 中,交 换 运作 能力 是


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