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Workers move containment booms to a smaller vessel. 工人正在搬運攔油柵欄到較小的船隻上。 Berms under construction at East Grand Terre Island. 正在建築中的東大漁村島護堤。 Workers attempt to secure an oil boom into place in an effort to protect the coast line from the massive oil spill near Hopedale, Louisiana. 工人企圖佈放攔油欄柵,努力去阻止大量漏油接近路易斯安那州霍普代爾。 A worker with one of the shoreline clean-up crews deploys a snare boom 一名工人與他的海岸線清潔隊員在佈設一條攔油柵欄。 Boom to protect Louisianas fragile wetlands is put into place on Lake Machias 攔油柵欄被放入瑪基亞湖以保護脆弱的濕地。 U.S. Coast Guard members carry away a dead brown pelican found on Breton Island 美國海岸衛隊成員帶走一死褐鵜鶘,它是在布雷頓島被發現。 One of the New harbor Islands is protected by two oil booms against the oil slick 一個新港口島嶼受到兩條攔油柵欄保護以對抗漏油。 a high volume skimming system skims oil from the Gulf of Mexico near Venice. 一個高容量的的刮油系統在墨西哥灣威尼斯附近刮除浮油。 Shrimp boats are used to collect oil with booms in the waters of Chandeleur Sound. 在錢德爾勒爾聲水域,蝦船裝上攔油柵欄用來收集漏油。 Blobs of oil from the massive spill float on the surface of the water. 大量的浮油斑點飄浮在海面上。 Oil floats on the surface about 12 miles from the Louisiana marshes. 油污漂浮在海面,大約距離路易斯安那州的沼澤區12英里。 Oily water is seen off the side of the Joe Griffin supply vessel. 含油的水被發現從喬格里芬供應船側面流出。 This image provided by NASA shows the Mississippi Delta and the growing oil slick. 由太空總署提供的照片顯示密西西比河三角洲以及不斷增長的浮油。 Tar Balls Appear on Fla. Beach. 焦油球出現在佛羅里達州海灘。 Louisiana oilfield divers, return through blackened seawater. 路易斯安那州油田潛水員返航經過變黑的海水。 A tugboat moves through the oil slick. 一艘拖船通過浮油。 Oil coats the hands of an AP reporter at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. 一位在深水地平線號鑽油平台漏油現場的美聯社記者被漏油沾滿雙手。 Scramble Is on to Gather Data on Oil Spill Effects. 匆匆收集漏油的油污數據。 Greenpeace senior campaigner Lindsey Allen takes water samples along a 20-yard area of marsh. 綠色和平組織的資深活動家齊艾倫沿著一條 20碼的濕地區抽取水質樣本。 Greenpeace worker collects samples of oil 綠色和平組織的工作者在收集石油的樣本。 At Grand Isle State Park, La., where the oil spill has come ashore, a laughing gull is unable to fly. 在路易斯安那州大島州立公園,洩漏的石油已


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