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系统研发与应用 System Research and Application 基于SolrCloud构建的 区域海量医疗信息实时查询交换系统 朱远燕① 林德南① 陈汝林② 王爽① 郑静① 摘 要 随着区域医疗业务增长迅速,区域内医疗机构之间对于医疗信息共享的需求越来越迫切,然而各个医疗机构业务 系统构建技术不同,现有基于传统数据库构建的区域医疗信息查询系统已不能满足高并发实时随机医疗信息的查询和交 换需求。提出了一种由SolrCloud构建分布式区域海量医疗患者信息的实时查询交换系统,运用该软件提供的高效动态协 调能力、高速索引同步能力、高可用性和容灾备份能力,解决区域内医疗机构向数据中心高并发数据查询交换的需求瓶 颈,提升区域实时医疗业务协同能力。最后以该系统最频繁使用的MPI(病人主索引)实时构建和查询交换模块为例,验证 SolrCloud架构在区域医疗机构高并发实时查询和交换的性能。 关键词 区域卫生 数据中心 业务协同 实时查询交换 SolrCloud Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-7571.2014.08.016 [中图分类号] R319 [文献标识码] A Regional Mass Medical Information Real-time Query and Exchange System Based on SolrCloud / ZHU Yuan-yan, LIN De-nan, CHEN Ru-lin, et al//China Digital Medicine.-2014 9(8): 49 to 51 Abstract With the rapid growth in regional medical business, medical information sharing among medical institutions has become more and more urgent. However, the technologies which medical institutions are using for building medical business systems are different, and the existing regional medical information system based on traditional database cannot match high concurrency real-time exchange and query requirements. This paper aims to build a distributed massive medical information query and exchange system based on SolrCloud, which has efficient and dynamic coordination ability, high speed index synchronization ability, high availability and disaster tolerance ability, and aims to solve the high concurrency exchange bottleneck between medical institutions and data center and realize medical business cooperation. In the end, taking the most frequently used MPI (Master Patient Index) building and querying module as an example, the performance of SolrCloud architecture in high concurrency real-time query and exchange was validated. Keywords regional health, data center, business cooperation, real-time query and excha


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