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Vol. 4 No.11/ Nov. 2010 基于电容耦合方式的人体信道通信 特性实验研究 Experimental Studies on Human Body Channel Communication Characteristics based upon Capacitive Coupling 黄进 刘昕卓 王磊 张元亭 摘 要 人体通信是一种正在兴起的适合于无线医疗和生理监护的短距离无线通信技术。但是,目前针对电容耦合方式的 人体通信信道衰减特性的全方位的活体实验研究还开展得比较少。本文主要对人体信道特性的进行深度的测试研究。实验 采用电容耦合的人体通信方式,对信道特性从时域和频域两方面进行测试。在频域,测得了人体信道衰减的频率曲线并研 究了人体信道的衰减特性。在时域,人体信道的电容耦合的特性得到了充分的实验验证和分析。实验考虑了不同面积大小 的导电布电极和身体的运动,不同的体态对实验结果的影响。基于整个人体的全方位测试发现,关节组织例如肘、膝盖和 手腕可能会影响信道的衰减特性。而且实验结果也显示人体的脂肪组织也会极大地影响信道特性。另外,实验也研究了人 体运动和衰减特性的关系。 关键词 人体信道通信;电容耦合;测量;信道特性 ABSTRACT Human Body Communication (HBC) is regarded as a burgeoning transmission technology for short- range body area communication for wireless medical healthcare and monitoring. However, there are currently few full- scale on body measurements describing principle of body channel propagation characteristics which put an emphasis on capacitive coupling type HBC. This paper mainly focused on comprehensive measurements on the body channel characteristics. Using capacitive coupling technique, the body channel characteristics were measured in frequency domain and in time domain. In frequency domain, the frequency-dependent attenuation curves were measured and the attenuation characteristics of body channel were investigated. In time domain, the capacitive characteristics of body channel were measured and analyzed. Different areas of cloth electrodes attached to skin were compared, and measurements at dynamic state of different body postures were also surveyed. Based on the whole body measurements results, it was found that the arthrosis such as elbow, knee and wrist might influence channel attenuation characteristic. Furthermore, the experiment results illustrate that the fat content in body might also in


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