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正常妊娠中晚期血脂系列指标变化的探讨 张铭1, 王慧艳2* ,张一鸣1, 马纹2 (1南京医科大学附属常州妇幼保健院检验科, 江苏常州 213003;2南京医科大学附属常州妇幼保健院产科, 江苏 常州213003) 摘要 目的 观察并分析正常妊娠中晚期血脂代谢的特点。 方法 选取孕24~28周平均年龄(28.37±3.40)岁、孕29~32周平均年龄(28.17±3.09)岁、孕33~36周平均年龄(27.63±3.16)岁、孕37~41周平均年龄(27.47±2.96)岁4组共345例正常妊娠孕妇作为研究对象 具体数量?一般状况分布?,抽取空腹静脉血,测定总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三脂(TG))))APOA1/APOB比值。 结果 妊娠中晚期血清TG与NEFA水平变化趋势一致,随孕周增加而上升,在分娩前达到最高峰血清(P0.05);血清HDL-C、APOA1水平和APOA1/APOB变化趋势一致,随孕周增加而下降 (P0.05);LDL-C和TC水平随孕周增加呈先上升后下降的趋势(P0.001) ,在孕晚期37周前达高峰;APOB、 Lp(a)在孕中、晚期均变化不明显,4组的水平无明显差异(P0.05)结论 正常妊娠中晚期血脂代谢发生明显改变,各指标变化趋势不完全相同;应重视妊娠中晚期孕妇血脂水平检测。 关键词 妊娠; 血脂;代谢紊乱 中图分类号 R446 文献标识码 A The study of serum lipid changes in the second and third trimesters of normal pregnancy ZHANG Ming 1 , WANG Huiyan2*,ZHANG Yiming 1, MA Wen2 (1.Department of Clinical Laboratory, Changzhou Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University,Changzhou 213003, Jiangsu ,China 2.Department of obstetrics, Changzhou Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University,Changzhou 213003, Jiangsu ,China) [Abstract] 0bjective To investigating and analyze the characteristics of serum lipid metabolism in the second and third trimesters of normal pregnancy. Methods 345 Women of normal pregnancy in the second and third trimesters were recruited in 4 groups. Serum lipid levels were measured ,including total cholesterol(TC),triglyceride(TG),high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C)nonesterified fatty acids(NEFA).The ratio of ApoA1/ ApoB was calculated. Results The levels of serum TG and NEFA in the second and third trimesters rose with the increase of gestational weeks and reached their peak before delivery (P0.05); The levels of serum HDL-C、APOA1 and the ratio of APOA1/APOB declined with the increase of gestational weeks (P 0.05); LDL-C and TC levels began to decline after they reached their peak level in 37 pregnant weeks;; The levels of serum APOB and ?Lp?(a)?in? the second and third trimesters?did not change si


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