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2010 年 2 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.25 No. 2 第 25 卷第 2 期 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Feb. 2010 永磁同步电机负载转矩观测器 1 1 1 2 郑泽东 李永东 肖 曦 Maurice Fadel (1. 清华大学电力系统及发电设备控制和仿真国家重点实验室 北京 100084 2. 法国图卢兹国家理工学院INPT-ENSEEIHT LAPLACE-CNRS 实验室 图卢兹 31071 ) 摘要 负载转矩的扰动会影响永磁同步电机控制系统的性能,测量或者观测负载转矩并用作 前馈补偿,形成二自由度控制器可以减小负载转矩扰动的影响。本文研究分析了几种实用的永磁 同步电机负载转矩观测器,可以根据测量的电流、机械位置和转速等准确观测负载转矩,不增加 额外的硬件设备。全阶负载转矩观测器还可以根据机械传感器的输出量观测准确的转子位置和转 速,代替了传统的转速计算方法,避免了微分计算,减小了测量噪声和离散误差的影响。以基于 Kalman 滤波器的负载转矩观测器为例,对观测器和前馈补偿的性能进行了仿真和实验验证。 关键词:负载转矩观测器 Luenberger 观测器 Kalman 滤波器 永磁同步电机 二自由度 控制器 前馈补偿 中图分类号:TM351 Load Torque Observer of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Zheng Zedong 1 Li Yongdong 1 Xiao Xi 1 Maurice Fadel2 (1. Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 2. Lab. LAPLACE-CNRS ENSEEIHT-INPT Toulouse 31071 France ) Abstract The load torque disturbance will affect the control performance of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), and a two-degree-of-freedom controller with feed-forward compensation by measured or observed load torque can reduce the effects of the load torque disturbance. In this paper, several load torque observers for PMSM is studied which can observe load torque precisely based on the measured currents, mechanical position and speed, and no extra hardware is needed for the observer. The proposed full order observers can also observe the rotor position and speed based on the output of the mechanical sensor instead of the traditional speed calculation method, and then the differential calculation can be avoided, and the effects of the measurement noise and discretization er


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