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考古 2009 年第 3 期 ○本刊专稿 内蒙古凉城县小双古城墓地发掘简报 内蒙古文物考古研究所 关键词 : 内蒙古 小双古城墓地 东周时期 早期游牧民族 KEY WO RD S : Inner Mo n golia cemet ery o n t he Xiao shuang cit ysit e Ea st er nn Zhou p erio d early no madic et hnic group ABSTRACT : In 1996 an d 2003 , 15 to mb s w ere excavat ed in t he cemet ery o n t he Xiao shuang cit ysit e in L ian chen Count , Inner Mo n olia . The wor k brou ht to li ht r at her rich f uner al ob ect s in ot t er , g g y g g g j p y bro nze , bo ne , sto ne , gol d an d j ade . The to mb s are largely p it s wit h cave s , eart hen p it s occur ring occa sio nall , an d animal victim s w ere seen in mo st ca se s . Thi s i s t he fir st time archaeolo i st s have di scovered y g an Ea st er n Zhou p erio d cemet ery of t he early no madic et hnic group o n t he sout her n shore of Daihai L ake . The cult ur al co nt ent f eat ure s t he p revalence of p itwit hcave to mb s an d t he ento mb ment of t he cor dmar k j ar , ti ger de sign p laque , clou d p at t er n p laque an d bro nze knif e set a s t he main co mbinatio n of f uner al ob ect s . The available archaeolo ical di scoverie s su e st t hat t hi s cemet er belo n s to o ne of t he t hree j g gg y g archaeological cult ure s exi sting in t he Daihai regio n during t he Ea st er n Zhou p erio d . [1 ] 小双古城墓地位于内蒙古 自治区乌兰 掘石虎山遗址 时发现了此处墓地 , 并清理 (


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