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32 11 Vol. 32 N o. 11 2010 11 Journal ofU niversity of Science and Technology Beijing N ov. 2010 刘应书 杨 雄 李永玲 郭广栋 刘文海 张传钊 孟 宇 , 100083 , . : , , ; , 04 s 02 s , , . . 938 kP a 1204 kP a 31% . ; ; ; ; TD 7 12+ 67; TQ 0281 Pressure e ualizing processes in vacuum pressure- sw ing adsorption for upgra dingmethane in coalm ine gas LIU Yingshu, YANG X iong, LI Yongling, GUO Guangdong, LIU Wenhai, ZHAN G Chuanzhao, MEN G Yu School of M echan cal Eng neer ng, U n vers ty of Sc ence and T echnology B e j ng, Be j ng 100083, Ch n a ABSTRACT T he effect of pressure equal z ng processes n vacuum pressuresw ng adsorpt on on concentra t ng the m ethane n coa l m ne gas w as stud ed experm enta lly. The resu lts show that pressure equal zat on can ncrease the pressure o f the abso rber rap dly, and ra se the adsorpt on pressure and m ethane content. T he optm a l pressure equal z ng process s equa l z ng the pressure a t bo th the n le t and outlet ends o f the abso rber. A fte r pressure equal zat on at the nlet end for 02 s and the outle t end fo r 04 s, the m e thane concen trat on o f the deso rbed gas reaches m ax m um. In the m eantm e there s st ll a pressure d ffe rence betw een wt o absorbers. T he energy consumpt on o f ra s ng the pressure from d fferent equa l z ng pressures to a ce rta n adsorpt on pressu re w as analyzed. T he energy con sumpt on s decreased by 31% w hen the equal z ng pressure ncreases from 938 kPa to 1204 kPa. KEY WORDS coa lm nes; m ethane; adsorpt on; upg rad ng; act va ted carbon , , 2 000m 3 345 m , .


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