一份来自性病女子的采访录(An interview with a sexually transmitted disease woman).doc

一份来自性病女子的采访录(An interview with a sexually transmitted disease woman).doc

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一份来自性病女子的采访录(An interview with a sexually transmitted disease woman)

一份来自性病女子的采访录(An interview with a sexually transmitted disease woman) Sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. The old saying venereal disease. Collectively, the female sex organs of syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid and other diseases. The main sexually transmitted. STD is an abbreviation for sexually transmitted diseases in english. With the development of society, the oldest disease of mankind has gradually become a disease which is paid close attention to by the whole society. The venereal disease that men worry about has become the focus of many girls. Our correspondent interviewed two women who had been sexually transmitted, and we listened to their stories to see how they viewed the disease so as to be vigilant. White Hin, 26 years old Chef All along, I have paid great attention to my health. My father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse. I also know venereal the harm to human body, I know the wind in the previous year, I insisted that we both have sex before the first went to the hospital for venereal disease detection, the detection of Chlamydia and gonorrhea, including AIDS, test results confirmed that the two of us are negative. I had sex with the wind for five or six months, and we had no other sexual partners, at least thats what I thought. One day I suddenly found my labia has some little red, I think it is sensitive to dry skin, but a few days later the little red dot, have become big and round vesicles, by hand touch will be pain, when I use the mirror check there, my heart burst of coolness, what is the reason that I began to suspect that these vesicles. I hurry to find a doctor, the doctor said it is likely to be genital herpes, give me blood and skin detection, three days later, she told me that I was infected with herpes simplex virus type second (most people are infected and their sexual contact and get the type second herpes simplex infection patient usually in the buttocks, penis, vagina, uterus first genital nearby, occasion


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