李若鹏营造以德报德的社会支持体系 文本文档(Li Ruopeng to create a social support system One good turn deserves another. text document).doc

李若鹏营造以德报德的社会支持体系 文本文档(Li Ruopeng to create a social support system One good turn deserves another. text document).doc

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李若鹏营造以德报德的社会支持体系 文本文档(Li Ruopeng to create a social support system One good turn deserves another. text document)

李若鹏营造以德报德的社会支持体系 文本文档(Li Ruopeng to create a social support system One good turn deserves another. text document) Construction of One good turn deserves another. good good news. Courageous social support system Ruo Peng Li Recently, the Henan youth hero of a blowout situation, sun Kaige, Lv Junfeng, Xing Erpeng, Wei Jiebiao, Zhang Xu, Kong Guangzhou, Liu Guangli and other more than 20 courageous young hero, by the broad masses of admiration and praise. Henan has a fertile soil for courageous and courageous, according to incomplete statistics, since 2008, the province has been commended for young heroes have reached 163. At present, young peoples value judgment and moral pursuit of diversification, differentiation, some traditional values were good and multi angle review, suspicious or even negative. Under such circumstances, the emergence of blowout in young heroes in Henan has a distinctive significance of the times. Vigorously promote and carry forward the courageous deeds of youth and noble spirit, not only can let the young people learn not dangerous, to tackle tough life courage from your role models, but also can stimulate the young heart to lofty moral pursuit and yearning, inject positive energy of youth to the whole society. Kant once said: the worlds only two things can make our heart was deeply shocked, is a brilliant sky over our heads, two of our hearts lofty moral laws. The courageous spirit is a noble character, is also a kind of lofty realm, but also is the molecular live yeast for the creation of a harmonious society, in the appropriate environment, can make rapid fermentation, winter warm cold warm spring to change. Construction, good Samaritan One good turn deserves another. good social support system, let the thanklessness young hero get the respect and love of the society, to encourage and guide more people to speak good words, good heart, good deeds, is to create the suitable fermentation environment, let the young heroes get double positive en



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