医生从没告诉过你的30个秘密!(The 30 secrets the doctor never told you!).doc

医生从没告诉过你的30个秘密!(The 30 secrets the doctor never told you!).doc

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医生从没告诉过你的30个秘密!(The 30 secrets the doctor never told you!)

医生从没告诉过你的30个秘密!(The 30 secrets the doctor never told you!) AHA can help digestion. If you have indigestion, I encourage you to eat a fruit after dinner. But if your digestive function is good, eat fruit after a meal may backfire. Because the food enters the stomach, need two hours or even longer to digest, and fruit, especially hard fruits, such as apples, pears, in the stomach stranded for a long time, not only cause indigestion, also generated in the reaction gas, causing bloating. Therefore, it is recommended that you eat 1~2 hours after meals. Physical examination requires fasting, but not asking you to start the night without eating, so that the result of the examination is not accurate. My suggestion is that you should have a light diet the night before the examination. You cant drink, of course. Neither coffee nor strong tea. Dont eat breakfast that morning. Drink less water and dont do physical exercise. - digestive physicians, AMY Not everyone is good for myopia surgery unless you have been wearing steady glasses or contact lenses for more than a year before surgery. If you wear glasses when you are off, you must tell the eye doctor, and in the near future it is best not to do corrective surgery, otherwise it will affect the doctors judgment of your corrected vision. Wearing sunglasses is important to protect your eyes from eye diseases such as cataracts, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.. In the specific choice above, not the more expensive or more dark lenses on the effect of about the good, is to consider whether the lens marked 100% of the UV blocking. Never just pick good looking frames. And ignore the quality of the lenses. - eye doctor, Ren Xuan Dont worry, natural production can cause the female to become loose. The figure is out of shape, its groundless. * * is almost the largest elastic muscle in your body, and it can recover quickly even with slight bleeding from production. As for the body concerns, as long as you are not too much nutrition


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