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摘 要 国内外学者对于高等教育经费投资问题的研究不在少数,但多数是以国家为对象 进行研究,本文以地方政府投资视角为切入点,研究内蒙古政府投资高等教育的行为。 文章以教育经济学理论、公共产品理论、新制度经济学理论作为研究依据,运用了多 种方法等进行了研究。 以政府投资为主体,积极拓展多种投资渠道的投资方式,是高等教育投资未来的 发展趋势。政府作为高等教育的主要投资者,既是高等教育发展的客观要求,也是市 场经济条件下无法避免的“市场失灵”的必然选择。但政府投资高等教育由于体制性 的缺陷、经济发展水平的制约等,存在着不少问题,从而影响了内蒙古高等教育的发 展。 本文通过对内蒙古政府投资现状的分析,指出政府在投资高等教育过程中存在的 问题,并通过对投资的影响因素分析,提出优化政府投资的建议,形成结论:在不断 做大“财政”这块蛋糕的同时,重新定位政府、高校、社会三者的关系,改变高等学 校对政府投资的过度依赖,充分利用市场的运行机制改变高等教育与社会发展脱节的 现状,让内蒙古自治区的高等教育在内蒙古经济的快速发展中呈现出健康、蓬勃发展 的新局面。 关键词:内蒙古;高等教育;政府投资;优化 Research on Government Investment in Inner Mongolia Higher Education Abstract Many scholars at home and abroad have studied the problem of investment in higher education; however, most of them carry on researches on a national base. This paper studies the behavior of government investment in higher education in Inner Mongolia from the local government investment perspective. Education and economic theory, public goods theory, and new institutional economic theory are used as the reach bases, and various research methods have been used in this paper. The future development trend of government investment in higher education is using government investment as the main body, and actively expanding various investments. The Government as a major investor in higher education is both the objective requirement of the development of higher education and the must choice under the market economy condition’s market failure. However, there are many problems in the Government-funded higher education due to its structural defects and level of economic development, which affects the development of higher education in Inner Mongolia. This paper analyses the factors in Inner Mong


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