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毕 业 设 计 题 目:32/5T门式起重机大车运行机构和副起升机构设计 英文题目:32/5T gantry crane traveling mechanism and the auxiliary design of the hoisting mechanism 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 机械制造 系 别: 机电系 指导老师: 职称: 副教授 二零一二年六月 摘 要 龙门起重机是一种应用广泛的起重运输机械,在铁路货场、港口和工厂大量使用。大车运行机构和副起升机构是龙门起重机的基本机构,其设计质量对起重机性能有直接的影响,因此掌握运行机构的设计方法对起重机设计具有重要意义。 论文主要完成了一下工作:(1)各机构布置方案的总体设计;(2)各机构及部件的设计研究和设计计算;(3)各机构部件主要技术指标校核;(4)运行机构总图设计与零部件图设计。具体工作如下: 论文首先介绍了起重运输机械的用途和现代起重机的发展趋势。然后根据龙门起重机各机构的设计要求,结合所学的专业知识,按照国家相关规范和起重机设计手册进行了大车运行机构的设计计算。设计计算过程中主要进行了方案选择,总体布置和驱动方式确定。相继进行了电动机、减速器、制动器等主要部件计算和校核,包括功率、力矩、强度、发热等。最后,按照设计和选择的部件型号,查找相关尺寸进行绘图,将个部件组合在一起,画出了本次设计研究的大车运行机构,副起升机构。 通过本次毕业设计,熟悉了起重机的设计计算过程,通过绘图提高了自己对AutoCAD的应用能力,巩固了所学的专业知识,为今后工作和进一步学习奠定了基础。 关键词:龙门起重机;大车运行机构;副起升机构;AutoCAD绘图 ABSTRACT The gantry crane is one kind of hoisting machinery used widely. It is used in the railway freight yard, the port and factory. The moving mechanism is one basic mechanism of the gantry crane. Design quality of moving mechanism has the direct influence to the performance of gantry crane. Therefore, design of moving mechanism have important significance to the crane design. The thesis has mainly completed following works: (1) The mechanism scheme design, (2) the mechanism and components of the design and calculation,(3) The mechanism part of main technology index check,(4) Operation mechanism design of general layout and component design. The thesis introduces the effect and classify of the crane at first, then it introduces the developing current of modern cranes. Through the introduction all of us can get some knowledge about crane more or less. The primary content of the thesis is designing the right moving framework to fit the work environment according to the known parameter. During the designing time, the most important thing is choosing the right project of the whole framework to drive the crane, choosing the driving project, the disposing project of the retarder and driv


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