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人口老龄化背景下老年人长期照料问题研究 中文摘要 随着我国老年社会的到来,老年人口逐渐增加,这部分人口在规模上不断扩 大,同时身体健康心理素质等方面也呈现出一定的问题,独生子女政策的推进让 这部分老年人的照料问题逐步显现,高龄化和独子老龄化并存,于此同时我国尚 未形成和经济发展相协调的老年人照料照护体系。老年人照料主要还是依靠夫妻 间的相互扶持以及子女的孝敬,国家在保障领域并没有一块专门针对老年人照料 的政策措施,使得老年人照料问题成为独子时代,家庭和社会的一大矛盾。近几 十年,国家虽然有针对老年人的医疗和经济上的保障,但都是最基本的保障,在 庞大的老年人口面前这些保障显得有些力不从心,如何在现有经济体制和人口结 构下最大程度的防范老年风险将成为一段时间内亟需探讨的问题。本文通过探讨 我国现阶段老龄化特征并基于老年人长期照料情况的调查分析,认为我国现阶段 老年人长期照料应该走家庭照料和机构护理相结合的照料方式,综合统筹各种照 料方式,发扬传统孝道,发挥社区照料的功能。同时国家层面尽快实现老年人长 期护理保障制度,作为我国养老保障和医疗保障的补充部分。 关键词:老龄人口,老龄化,长期护理 I Abstract With Chinas aging society is coming, the elderly population gradually increased, this part of the population constantly exaggerated , while the health psychological quality also presents certain problems. Promote the one-child policy makes the elderly care problems gradually appear. The elderly and the one-child exist at the same time. At the same time, China has not yet formed and economic development coordination of the elderly care care system. The elderly care mainly rely on mutual support and childrens filial piety. Countries without a block for the elderly care policy measures. Care for the elderly is a big problem between family and society. In recent decades, although there are for the elderly health and economic security, but are the most basic protection.In the face of huge elderly population of existing security those measures are not enough. How to prevent the risk of old age has become an urgent problem to solve. Through the discussion of Chinas aging characteristics and survey data analysis that at the present the elderly care should be home care and institutional care combined, carry forward the tradition of filial piety, play the function of community care.The state should take the long-term care system for the elderly as soon as possible , as supplementary old-age security in our countr



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