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宁波塑机产业集群竞争力分析 宁波市塑料机械行业协会 宁波大学商学院 课题组 2009年10月 目 录 1、我国塑机产业集群现状 4 2、宁波塑机产业集群竞争力分析 5 2.1、宁波塑机产业集群现状 5 2.2、GEM模型理论概述 5 2.3、宁波塑机产业集群竞争力评价 6 3、提升宁波塑机产业集群竞争力的对策 22 4、总结 24 宁波塑机产业集群竞争力分析 摘 要:自一九六七年宁波塑料机械总厂建立以来,宁波市塑料机械工业迅速发展起来并成为全国塑机行业的领头军。当地企业在发展国内市场的同时还充分利用宁波自身的优势,努力开拓国际市场,发展对外经济贸易。并很快成为国际塑机市场的重要供货商。本文通过运用GEM模型理论,从影响企业集群的六大因素入手,对宁波塑机产业集群的“资源”、“设施”、“供应商和相关辅助业务”、“企业的结构、战略和竞争”、“本地市场”和“外部市场”竞争力进行评价。最后,找出塑机企业集群的优势和劣势,并给出发展对策。 关 键 词: 宁波塑料机械、产业集群、GEM模型 Analyzing the Competitiveness of Industrial Cluster With respect to Ningbo Plastics Machinery Abstract: The industry of Ningbo plastics machinery has kept developing rapidly ever since the establishment in 1967 of Ningbo Plastics Machinery Factory. Eventually, it takes the leading in the national region of the industry. While dealing with the domestic markets, the local enterprises are trying to exploit new world markets and develop foreign trade by giving full play to their own advantages. soon becomes one of the major suppliers of international plastic machinery market. In this paper, we introduce Groundings-Enterprises-Markets model(GEM model)for describing and assessing the competitiveness of industrial cluster with respect to Ningbo plastics machinery by centering round 6 relative sectors which including resources, infrastructure, supplier and related industries, firm structures, strategies and rivalry, local markets and access to external markets. Next we find out the strengths and weaknesses of the cluster, and then present some solutions for enhancing the entire industry. Key Words: Ningbo Plastics Machinery, Industrial Cluster, GEM model 我国塑机产业集群现状 改革开放以来,在我国珠江三角洲、长江三角洲等地区,形成了一批充满生机和活力的塑料机械产业集群。比较闻名的有: “中国塑机之都”————浙江宁波塑机产业集群 “中国塑机螺杆之都”————浙江舟山注塑机螺杆料筒产业集群。 其它还形成了十多个特色产业集群,它们是:广东顺德、浙江杭州、江苏无锡的注塑机产


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