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农村土地制度变革中农民利益保护的研究 中文摘要 中文摘要 为了加快农业现代化的步伐和推进城市化进程,改革农村土地使用制度已是 势在必行。浙江省嘉兴市率先试行了“两分两换” 的政策,将农民宅基地与承包地分 开,搬迁与土地流转分开;以承包地换社会保障,推进集约经营;以宅基地换商 品房或安置房,推进农民集中居住,转换农民生活方式。这一改革受到了人们的 广泛关注。 本文通过收集整理到的数据和典型案例的分析,试图说明在“两分两换”政策的 实施过程中,由于推进的速度太快,工作过粗,出现了一些问题。如资金筹集出 现困难,流转工作违背农民意愿,土地质量缺乏监控等。透过这些问题来审视这 种纯政府主导模式的优缺点,客观总结得失,并在次基础上提出了个人对完善“两 分两换”政策和保护农民利益的建议,为嘉兴及其它地区的土地流转工作提供启示 和借鉴。 关键词: 土地流转;两分两换; 农民利益 作 者:杨晓安 指导教师:朱 晓 I Abstract On the research of protecting the farmers’ profits under the land institution reform in the rural areas On the research of protecting the farmers’ profits under the land institution reform in the rural areas ——For the implementation of “two for two” policy in Jiaxing City Abstract A land institution reform must be implemented to accelerate the pace of agricultural modernization and the urbanization. Jiaxing city is the fist place testing the two for two policy, which means to separate the peasant’s house site and his farming land, and to distinguish the relocation from the farming land circulation; at the same time, the farmers could change one’s own house site into commercial residential or the relocation apartment. The reform will advocate farmers living into the communities and changing their lifestyles. And it will be received the widely attention from the people. This thesis try to demonstrate some problems will take place for the over speedy implementation and the carelessness work during the reform undergoing, e.g. the found procurement will be difficult, the farming land circulation could against the peasants’ will, the land supervision


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