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编 号: 审定成绩: 毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: 仿真软件在电力拖动控制系统中的应用(单闭环控制系统的设计、仿真) 学院: 学 生 姓 名 : 专 业 : 班 级 : 学 号 : 指 导 教 师 : 答辩组 负责人 : 填表时间:年月 摘 要 MATLAB软件进行了简要介绍,并对调速系统的稳态和动态性能指标进行了初步分析。然后着重阐述了两个调速系统——单闭环直流调速系统和直流脉宽调速系统的设计建模及其参数的设置。最后对双闭环直流调速系统进行了简要介绍。 文中对着重分析了有静差转速负反馈调速系统原理和闭环控制系统的特性。在有静差调速系统的基础上,将比例放大环节换成了比例积分(PI)调节器,利用MATLAB对比例积分调节器进行了参数校正,从而消除了静差。接着介绍了直流脉宽调速系统和直流电动机的PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)调速原理。 设计过程中,采用面向控制系统电气原理结构图的方法对系统中各环节参数进行计算并建立数学模型,结合SimPowerSystems工具箱,画出了系统动态结构框图,并分别对单闭环转速负反馈系统、带电流截止环节的单闭环转速负反馈系统以及PWM调速系统进行仿真调试,并做出了分析和比较。结果证明各环节参数的设计达到了设计要求,并且系统显示出良好的调速性能、抗扰动能力等。 【关键词】 MATLAB 单闭环 转速负反馈 ABSTRACT First and foremost, the article briefly introduced motion-regulating systems, computer simulation technology, automatic speed-regulating system and MATLAB software, and the steady-state and dynamic performance of speed-regulating system carried out a preliminary analysis. Besides, it elaborated the model designing and parameter settings of two speed-regulating system which are single close-loop DC speed-regulating system and DC PWM speed-regulating. Last but not least, double-loop DC speed-regulating system was introduced. The article highlighted the principle of speed feedback speed-regulating system with static error and the characteristics of close-loop control system. Comparing with the speed feedback speed-regulating system with static error, speed feedback speed-regulating system without static error killed the static error by replacing the proportion link with proportion integral regulator, in which the Proportion Integral was corrected with the MATLAB software. Further more, the article introduced a DC pulse width modulation speed-regulating system and the principle of DC motor pulse width modulation speed-regulating. In the designing process, it calculated the parameters of each link of the system by the method electric principle



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