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furry invaluable assitance ; a furry voice ; the book is dedicated(献给、献词) to the memory of sb.; insinuate 旁敲侧击、暗示、blacken sb’s character by insinuation 含沙射影地贬低某人的品格 enlighten 启发 enlightened 开明的 in these enlighened days 在这开明的时代 enlightened opinions 有见识的观点;forsake one’s former habite抛弃旧习惯a dreary沉闷的 forsaken beach in winter 冬季人迹罕至的海滨.send goods by air freight 空运发货.panting for revenge 渴望复仇 He panted out the message. 他上气不接下气地说出此事.Spooky 幽灵般的、令人毛骨悚然的、吓人的;what rotten luck!真倒霉 ; obesity 肥胖 ;vacate one’s seat 空出自己的座位 ; negate 否定。。。的存在 how can you negate God? ; take a cab/go by cab 坐计程车 ; cushion 软垫 、 起缓冲作用 ; essence 本质、精髓 ; dry cider 不甜的苹果酒;humiliate 使(某人)感到屈辱 ;freak out f发疯、行为异常 ; out going message 主人留言 ; cretaceous fossil 白垩纪的化石; gam 果酱、使塞满、堵塞 ;wholesale price 批发价格 ; socket 窝、插座 ; batch 一组、批 ; dingus 小装置 ; witch 女巫 ; cuddle 搂抱 ; kook 怪人、疯子 ; passionate 表现出强烈情感的,a passionate kiss 热恋的吻 ; stalker 潜随猎物者 ; mustard 芥末 ;romance language such as Spanish ;writers who have grown up speaking English ;a considerable obstacleon the way to their mastery of English. ;have a genius fpr languages 对某事物的天生的非凡的才能 ; suffer from delusions 患妄想症 ; cryptic 含有隐义的、神秘的 ; vulgar 粗俗的、通俗的、方言的 ; horrendous expensive 贵的惊人 rehabilitate a disgraced former leader 为蒙受耻辱的原领导人恢复名誉’t want him mixing with a child like that 与这种小孩混在一起 ; wake up on the dull ,gray灰暗阴沉 Tuesday ; hum哼声、发低哼声 ; there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that .. ; pick out his most boring tie 最差的领带 ; gossip流言蜚语、闲聊 ~away happily ; wrestle摔跤、用力举起 ~with a problem 努力解决难题 ; a large、tawny黄褐色的 owl猫头鹰 flutter摆动、鼓翅 past the window 掠过窗户 ; peck 啄 ~sb on the cheek;have \throw a tantrum 发脾气 ; cereal product 谷物产品 ; little tyke (口)小淘气 ; chortle咯咯笑 ; notice the first sign of something peculiar特权、奇特的 ; jerk 猛拉 ; a tabby cat 斑猫 ;a trick of the light 眼花 ; give himself a little shake 浑身一抖 ; put the cat out of his mind 想极力摆脱关于那只猫的任何想法 ; read the sign that said Privet Drive 读路牌 ; look at the sign 朝路牌看 ; think of nothing except a large orde


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