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三门峡工程的决策失误及苏联专家的影响 【专题名称】科学技术哲学 【专 题 号】B2 【复印期号】2011年08期 【原文出处】《自然辩证法研究》(京)2011年5期第122~126页 【英文标题】The Errors of Sanmenxia Project Decision-making and the Impact of the Soviet Union Experts 【作者简介】顾永杰(1974-),河南郑州人,中科院自然科学史研究所博士研究生,研究方向为技术史。中国科学院自然科学史研究所,北京 100190 三门峡工程建成运用仅一年多时间,就由于设计等方面的缺陷导致了严重的问题,被迫放弃了原定的运用方式,并且不得不进行改建,这反映出三门峡工程在决策上存在设定的指标过高、指导方针不正确、对泥沙问题的处理方式不正确和对破坏环境等负面问题的重视不够等重大失误。三门峡工程的决策是在苏联专家的帮助下完成的,其在三门峡工程的决策中起到了重要的作用,而且由于缺少在多沙河流上修建水库的经验、对泥沙等技术问题的研究不够等原因,致使苏联专家的很多建议和结论并不符合三门峡工程的实际情况,但是三门峡工程的决策最终是由中国方面完成的,苏联专家只是起到了辅助的作用,所以苏联专家对三门峡工程的决策失误虽有很大的影响,但并不是根本原因。 The use of Sanmenxia project is completed more than a year only to the design deficiencies led to serious problems. It was forced to abandon the use of the original way, and had to be rebuilt. That reflecting the existence of the Sanmenxia project in decision-making set targets too high, guidelines incorrect approach to the question of sediment is not correct for environmental damage and negative issues such as inade quate attention to other major mistakes. Sanmenxia project decision-making is done with the help of the Soviet Union experts, and they played an important role. But the lack of built in sandy river reservoir of experience, sediment and other technical problems such as insufficient reasons, resulting in the Soviet Union many of the recommendations and conclusions of the experts did not meet the actual situation of the Sanmenxia project. However, the final decision Sanmenxia project done by China, the Soviet Union experts can only play a supporting role. So the Soviet Union experts in decision-making mistakes in the Sanmenxia Project Notwithstanding the great influence, but not the root cause. 【关 键 词】三门峡工程/工程决策/苏联专家Sanmenxia Project Engineering/decision-making/the Soviet Union expertsEE83UU1862185 ????中图分类号:N031 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-8934(2011)05-0122-05 ????三门峡水利枢纽工程(以下简称“三门峡工程”)是在黄河上修建的第一座大型水利枢纽工程,国家为其投入了大量的人力、物力和财力,给予了很高的期望。然而三门峡工程建成运用后不久,就由于设计等方面的缺陷导致了严重的问题,被迫放弃了原定的运用方式,并且不得不进行改建,这反映出三门峡工程在决策上存在重大


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