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本溪市儿童乐园地下车库建筑结构设计 摘要 本设计为本溪市儿童乐园地下车库建筑结构设计。设计采用框架结构,是一个单建式地下二层停车场建筑,地上为绿地儿童乐园。该设计不仅有效地利用了地下空间,改善了城市停车场所紧张的局面,还为城市增添了一个儿童娱乐场所。建筑面积为19051平方米,设计停车容量为430台。本设计大体分为两个部分:第一部分建筑设计,主要包括建筑形体的选择,内部房间的功能分区以及相应建筑材料的选择等。在交通疏散方面,设有十部楼梯,并装有甲级防火门。第二部分结构设计,包括:顶板设计,次梁设计,负二层顶板设计,框架结构设计,楼梯设计,外墙设计和基础设计。外墙和基础采用防水混凝土。为防止不均匀沉降和满足整体的刚度要求,采用筏板基础。 关键词:地下车库;框架结构;筏板基础 The underground garage of the childrens playground in Benxi city. Abstract The design of building structure is about one underground garage of the childrens playground in Benxi city. The building is reinforced concrete framework. it is a single building type, two-story of underground garage, and over ground is a green children park. It is not only using the underground space fully and improving the turgescent situation of parking in the city, but also adding a childrens entertainment in city.The floor space is 19,051square meters and the design parking capacity is 430.The project includes two parts mainly: the first part is architectural design,in the architectural design, the selection of building’s type,the division of internal room and the selection of building material are the main parts. Disperses the aspect in the transportation,it has ten stairs. And it is loaded with the fire door.The second part is structural design, mainly includes: roof design, secondary girder design, negative two roof design, portal frame construction design,staircase design, outer wall design and foundation design. The outer wall and foundation adopt the waterproof concrete. In order to prevent in-homogeneous settlement and meeting the rigidity demand for the whole evenly, I adopted the rib roof beam type raft board foundation. Key words: underground garage;frame construction;raft foundation 目 录 1绪论 1 2建筑设计 3 2.1柱网设计 3 2.2层高设计 3 2.3埋深设计 3 2.4防火设计 4 2.4.1防火分区 4 2.4.2安全疏散 4 2.4.3防烟和排烟要求 5 2.5 坡道设计 6 2.6 防水设计 7 3结构设计 8 3.1 板的设计 8 3.1.1 负一层顶板的设计 8 3.1.2 负二层顶板的设计 17 3.2 侧墙设计及计算 25 3.2.1 侧向土压力计算 25 3.2.2 内力及配筋计算 27 3.3 负


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