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The different use of color in China and Western Black White Yellow Red Black : In western, black symbolizes devil, evil, pain and misfortune so it is called “the dead color”(死色) Example: “a blackvillian”(大坏蛋) “black words”(不吉利的话) “ ablack letter day” (凶日) black —hearted(歹毒的) Black : In China, black is always connected with bad things, disaster. Black symbolizes disaster here. Example: “reactionary gang” (黑帮) “black market”(黑市) “smuggled goods”(黑货) “blacklist”(黑名单). White: In western, white symbolizes God, angel, happiness and goodness. Example: “white hands”(公正廉洁的) “a white day” ( 吉日) days marked with a white stone(幸福的日子) White: In the use of Chinese, white usually contains for nothing, look down on and useless. Example: “no use”(白搭) “go to waste”(白费) “supercilious look”(白眼) Yellow: In traditional culture of China, yellow is “the color of emperor” (帝王之色). Example: “bright yellow”(黄灿灿) “glistening yellow”(黄澄澄) “a lucky day”(黄道吉日) Yellow: Yellow in the western has failed to enjoy such a courtesy. In English culture, yellow is often connected with dejected, sick. Example: “ yellow—dog ”(卑劣的人) yellow—livered (胆小的)yellow looks(阴沉多疑的神色) Red: In western, red is always stand for cruel, disaster, bloody. Example: “red hands ”(杀人的手) “be caught red—handed”(当场被捕) “red—headed ”(狂怒的) red—light district(红灯区) Red: In China, red is in the name of happy, success, lucky and loyal, which uses frequently. Example: “red flag”(红旗) “the Red Army”(红军) “red political powe