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我国公共政策执行问题研究PAGE 论文 学号:我国公共政策执行问题研究中国·哈尔滨2011 年 10月The study on the problem in public policy implementation in china ASK CLICK HERE AND Candidate:Supervisor:Faculty:Major:AdministrationSpecialty:AdministrationHarbin ChinaOctober 26, 2011 - PAGE III I摘要自二十世纪七十年代以来,政策执行问题日益受到政策科学家们的关注,随着国家事物的日益复杂化,政府的政策执行能力变的越来越重要,并成为现代政府能力的重要标志.政府对社会政治经济发展的宏观调控正是通过各项公共政策的有效执行来实现的。公共政策是政府解决公共问题、实施公共管理、增进社会福利、实现国家长远发展和长治久安的重要工具。政策执行有效与否,事关政府的公信力,事关经济社会的全面发展和进步,事关社会民主和法制建设。因此我们必须重视政策的执行问题,本文针对目前我国的政策执行现状,综合运用了政策执行的有关知识理论,通过研究国内外政策执行成果、经验、缺陷等,分析出了我国政策执行中存在问题的根源,并在借鉴国内外政策执行成果的基础上得出了有利于我国政策执行的合理化建议和对策。本文的第一部分介绍了政策执行研究的目的意义,还介绍了国内外政策执行的研究现状、研究成果。第二部分分析了公共政策与政策执行的概念及二者的关系,研究了政策执行的主要理论和模式。第三部分则针对当前我国政策执行的现状总结出了我国在政策执行中存在的问题,并在描述各种问题后剖析出了这些问题形成的主要原因。第四部分则从上一部分得出的问题的根源入手,提出解决问题的合理化建议和对策。关键词: 公共政策 政策执行 建议 AbstractSince the 1970s, the implementation of public policy issues has become an increasing concern about the policy scientists, as the increasing complexity of the state things, The government ability on public policy is changing more and more important, And they are becoming an important symbol of government capacity, The macro-regulations by the government on social political and economic developments are made through the effective implementations of all kinds of public policies The public policy is an important tool for the government to solve the public problem implement public management promote public goods, Realize the national long term development and the long-term peace and good government’s, The public policy execution is effective or not, Which influences governments credit, Economic society full scale development and socialism democracy and legislative work, The public policy is a dynamic process and implementation is a important component element of that, It is the means of public aims realization and objective basis of assessing policy effect, There is no the realization of policy aims without effectua


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