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國立東華大學運動場館管理辦法 Rule of Sports Field Management 99.1.13本校九十八學年度第一學期第九次行政會議通過 100.3.9本校九十九學年度第二學期第二次行政會議通過 101.4.11本校一百學年度第二學期第三次行政會議通過 101.10.17本校一○一學年度第一學期第二次行政會議通過 102.9.11本校一○二學年度第一學期第一次行政會議通過 第一條、為綜理校內各運動場館(以下簡稱各場館),發揮效能,特訂定本辦法。 Article 1. For the management of various sports fields inside Dong Hwa campus (referred to as sports fields hereinafter) and for their efficacy, this rule is hence established. 第二條、本辦法所稱之各場館包括體育館、室外運動場地、、游泳池,以及相關附屬設施和設備。. Sports fields stated in this rule include Sports Hall, Outdoor Sports Field, Track Activity Center, Swimming Pool and adjunctive facilities and equipments. 第三條、本校運動代表隊、其他社團及校外社團,或校內外之個人,欲借用或付費使用各場館,均須經過本校體育中心核可,並應依據各場館實施細則及相關規定辦理。. Any varsity team, student club, non-Dong Hwa student club or any person who would like to borrow or rent sports fields should apply in advance to Physical Education Center for approval, and follow relevant enforcement rules and stipulations. 第四條、各場館提供之使用優先順序如下: Article 4. The priority in using sports fields is as below: 本校行政單位舉辦之全校性活動。 School-wide activity held by school administration. 校內體育教學與研究。 Physical education and reserch. 體育中心主辦之運動競賽。 Sports competition held by Physical Education Center. 校內運動代表隊訓練。 Varsity team’s training. 校內社團活動。 School club’s activity. 校內個人。 Dongwa’s faculty and student. 校外人士及社團。 Non Dong-Hwa’s personnel and club. 第五條、本辦法之優先順序,原則上以預約使用之時限作為調節機制。各場館開放預訂借用時限之前,體育中心應先行確定教學與研究、運動代表隊之場地使用時間表;若有逾期更改,必須在尊重已預約借用單位與使用人之前提下自行協調。. The precedence in using sports fields under this rule is in principle obtained by booking order. Before booking starts, Physical Education Center should schedule in advance all time slots and sports fields that will be used by teaching, research and varsity teams. If there is schedule alteration beyond due time, one must coordinate of his own accord with the booked party for surrendering particular time slots. 第六條、借用各場館,須經由網路預約。網路預約可預借當日算起六天後至間場地,同一個借用在同一天、同一之場地僅能借小時如需辦理全國、全校或全系性活動,提具企劃書申請表體育中心及相關單位核可. One sho


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