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32 3 ( ) Vol 32 N o 3 2007 06 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Jun 2007 1 2 3 尹 红 , 段万春, 李树明 ( 1 , 650093; 2 , 650093; 3 , 655000) : 网络计划技术是项目的计划进度安排和控制工作中的现代科学管理方法 论文介 网络 计划技术在云南曲靖卷烟厂 9 000 kg / h 制丝线技改施工计划和实施中的应用研究, 原测算技改 施工需 180天, 利用网络计划技术, 对关键路线进行压缩, 实际完工期为 157 天 比原计划提前 23 天, 最终实现压缩总工期 13% : 网络计划技术; 制丝线; 卷烟厂 : F224 33 : A : 1007- 855X ( 2007) 03- 0099 - 05 Empirical Study on TimeM anagement of Projects 1 2 3 Y IN Hong , DUA N W an-chun , L i Shu-m ing ( 1 F acu lty of M echanica l and E lectr ica l Eng ineer ing, K unm ing U n iv ers ity o f Science and T echno logy, K unm ing 65009 3, Ch ina; 2 F acu lty of M anagem ent and E conom ics, K unm ing U n ive rsity o f Sc ience and T echnology, K unm ing 650093, China; 3 Y unnan Qu jing C igarette F actory, Q uj ing, Yunnan 655000, Ch ina) Abstract: N etwo rk plann ing techn iqu e is a kind o f m odern sc ien tific m anagem ent m ethod in the p lann ing, schedule arrangem ent and contro l of projects T he applica tion o f newt ork p lanning techno logy in the techno log ical tran sform ation p lan and mi plem entat ion of the 9 000 kg /h tob acco produ ction line o f Y unnan Qu jing C igarette F actory A ccording to the o rig inal prediction, the techno log ica l tran sfo rm ation w ill need 180 days, and by the netw ork p lanning techn iqu e and through redu cing the key routes, the practical num ber o f days requ ired is 157, 23 days earlier



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