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20 6 V l. 20, N . 6
: 2000 : X788 : A
王怡中, 陈梅雪, 胡 春, 王菊思 (, ,
: , . 100 ppm
, ,.
, 24 h , COD 69. 68% , 22. 39%, 1 h, COD
8465% , 91. 31% . , ,
: ; ; ;
A study of dye degradation in the combination process of photocatalytic
oxidation with biochemical oxidation
WANG Yizh ng, CHEN Meixue,HU Chun, WANG Jusi ( State Key Lab rat ry f Envir nmental Aquatic Chem
istry, Research Center f r Ec Envir nmental Science, Chinese Academy f Science, Beijing 100085)
Abstract: It is difficuit t degrade the dyeing effluent by traditi nal bi l gical pr cess due t the n nbi degradable nature. A c mbina
ti n technique f ph t catalytic xidati n w ith bi chemical xidati n f r dye degradati n was studies. The result sh w ed that the c m
binati n technique f bi chemical and ph t catalytic xidati n w rked very well. F r example, a 100 ppm Methyl Organge s luti n,
the COD ( chemical xidati n demand) rem val and c l r rem val were 69. 67% and 22. 39% respectively after the 24 h bi l gical
treatment; C nsequently, after 1h ph t catalytic xidati n, the COD rem val and c l r rem val f this s luti n w ere further increased
t 84. 65% and 91. 31% respectively. It might be devel ped as an effective meth d t rem ve the rem ained c l r f dyeing effluent
after traditi nal bi l gical treatment.
Keywords:dye c mp und; ph t catalytic xidati n; bi chemical xidati n; c mbinati n technigue
, ,
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. 1 t 744 m .
10% ! 20%, .
30%, , 60% .
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: ( 1949! ) , ,
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