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Welcome to Guangzhou The delicious food of Guangzhou 萝卜牛杂 White Radish and Beef Offal 吃萝卜牛杂是广州街头一道的独特的城市风景。无论是繁华喧嚣的北京路、上下九,还是在狭窄破旧的古街小巷,你都可以见到飘着那种独特香味的萝卜牛杂店,它们多是一些小店,有时甚至就是一个窗口、一辆小推车。有人说,没吃过萝卜牛杂的人算不上真正的广州人。 The delicious food of Guangzhou 姜撞奶Ginger Milk The coagulant milk with ginger juice is a famous traditional dessert with fresh milk and ginger as main raw material . 姜撞奶是以新鲜牛奶和现榨姜汁为主要原料而制成的一种传统名优小吃。 The delicious food of Guangzhou 白云猪手 Baiyun Trotter 著名广州传统菜。以猪手为主料,沸水煮至软烂,捞出晾凉后加调料凉拌,即可食用。其特点是酸中带甜,肥而不腻,皮爽脆,食而不厌,骨肉易离,皮爽肉滑,是佐酒佳肴。制作此菜着重色、香、味、型,加上“五柳料”或红椒丝点缀,则色泽亮丽,口味更佳。有美容、养颜的功效。 The delicious food of Guangzhou 及第粥 Commissioner It is one of the most famous in all kinds of porridge in guangzhou. you can find bean curd stick ginkgo in it. it tastes fresh and delicious. 及第粥:粥类以及第粥最为出名,粥底有腐竹白果大地鱼等,粥色白鲜明,米水交融,味鲜香厚。 The delicious food of Guangzhou 蒸肠粉 Steamed Rice Rolls “White like snow, thin as paper shine bright, tasty Xianghua. ” Guangzhou‘s most prestigious “Silver in mind, ” Chang Fen as an example: the shop is located in Wenchang Road, Queen franchise Soy beef Changfen, to a thin Ren Xianghua said . “白如雪,薄如纸,油光闪亮,香滑可口 “的肠粉非常美味。以广州最负盛名的“银记”肠粉为例:该店坐落在文昌路,专营豉油皇牛肉肠粉,以薄韧香滑著称。 The delicious food of Guangzhou 鸡公榄Chicken male lam 鸡公榄 广州著名特产小吃,带着一个时代的痕迹。所谓鸡公榄,实际上就是广东特产白榄,是用上好的白榄经过复杂的工艺腌制加工而成的,有甜的.有咸的.还有辣的。甜的是和顺榄,咸的是甘草榄,辣的是辣椒榄。鸡公榄入口清甜爽脆,回味无穷,为广州人普遍喜爱的传统糖果。 The delicious food of Guangzhou 干蒸烧卖 SiuMai The outer layer is soft, made with wheat flour. The center is usually garnished with an orange dot, made of roe . 烧卖的外层是柔软的小麦面皮,中央开口处点缀一些金黄色的鱼子酱。 Gnangzhou Cantonese sponge cake (马拉糕) It looks like a sponge cake and smells as eggs.It is very delicious~~~~~ Gnangzhou shrimp dumpling (虾饺) Shrimp dumpling is a traditional food in Guangzhou.It is clear,smooth and beautiful~ 魅力广州 广州美食  老婆饼SweetHeartPastry   艇仔粥 SampanCongee   佛跳墙 Buddha-Jumping-Over-Wall 双皮奶 double Pi Nai 蛋挞 Egg Tart 皇上皇腊肠 Emperor huang sausages 上汤牛三星Beef Offal in Stock 沙河粉 Rice noodl


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