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本科毕业设计(论文) 玩具电子琴生产线的改善 学 院 机电工程学院 专 业 工业工程 年级班别 2005级(3)班 学 号 3205000691 学生姓名 陈锦容 指导教师 饶中 2009年6月 摘 要 伴随着中国工业的不断发展,企业也越来越融入了全球化的竞争。不少企业出现管理不善、生产率低下、缺少竞争力等问题,这些归根到底都是生产线不平衡引起的。目前,怎样使生产线平衡成为人们关注的问题,而工业工程技术是企业生产经营管理中非常实用的技术。 鉴于生产线平衡对一个企业生产经营管理的重要性,本文以某企业玩具装配线为例,进行了详细的改善分析研究,并制定了具体的解决方案。 具体的步骤如下: 首先,从生产线平衡的基本概念出发,分析了生产线作业能力及其平衡状况,找出可能存在的问题; 第二,运用工业工程的基本技术,提出动作分析的改良措施,降低其作业时间。 本课题的研究结果可以作为这种类型制造企业的生产线平衡提供参考,从而达到提高生产线平衡率。 关键词:生产线平衡,工业工程,标准作业 注:本设计(论文)题目来源于汕头恒泰塑胶有限公司研究项目。 Abstract With the development of China industry continuously, the business enterprises also more and more integrate a globalization of competition. Many enterprises rise to poor management, low productivity, lack of competitiveness and other issues, which are all because of streamline imbalances. At present, streamline balancing becomes a subject of concern, and industrial engineering (IE) technique is a very useful one in enter prise production management. So streamline is very important for the management of a business enterprise, this text makes a assembly line as research object, carries on detailed of improvement analysis research, and make the project of solution. This is material analytic step: First, based on the concept of streamline balancing, analyses the production capacity and balance status of the streamline, and find out the possible problems. Second, use the base technique of industrial engineering and point out some improvement of program analysis and reduce the job time. Last, through further research, make the standard operations and use streamline balancing heuristics to redistribute the job of each station in order to enhance the whole streamline balancing. The topic of research results can be used as this type of production line manufacturing companies to provide balanced information, so as to enhance the streamline balancing. Ke


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