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49000DWT江海直达成品油船设计 摘 要 本毕业设计课题为《49000DWT江海直达成品油船设计》。 本船为钢质,单甲板,电焊结构,双壳、双底体型,单桨,平衡舵,尾机型,球鼻艏,方尾,柴油机驱动的油船。 整个毕业设计分为三个方面,总体设计、原理与性能和结构设计。 总体设计确定设计船的建筑与结构形式,决定设计船主要尺度及船型参数,确定航速和所需主机功率,进行总体布置,设计船体型线。 原理与性能的设计主要包括船舶有效马力的计算和螺旋桨的设计。 结构设计是依据《钢质海船入级与建造规范》(2006),进行结构强度计算及型材的选取,使船体具有足够的强度承受外力并具有较小的重量以提高经济性,并绘制船体的基本结构图和典型横剖面图。 关键词:油船;型线设计;性能计算;螺旋桨设计;结构设计 Abstract The topic of this graduation project is the design of 49,000 tons of product oil tanker for Jianghai Direct. The ship is a steel ship, which is welded and diesel-driven and has single deck, double hull, single propeller, balanced rudder, desk-type tail, bulbous and transom. The entire graduation project can be divided into three parts: overall design, principle and performance design and structure design. The overall design decides the form of the architecture and structure of the designed ship, decides hers main scale and parameters, determines the required speed and engine power and overall layout, and design hull line. The design of the principle and performance includes the calculation of the effective horsepower and the design of the propeller. Based on the Construction and Classification of steel ships standard(2006), structure design is to calculate the structure strength and choose the profile, so that the hull withstands the external force and has a lower weight to improve the economy. During the structure design, the basic structure and typical transverse section are drawn. Keywords: il tanker, form design, propeller design, structure design 目 录 第 1 章 绪论 1 1.1概述 1 1.2毕业设计内容 1 1.3设计任务书 2 1.3.1 船舶的用途和航区 2 1.3.2 船舶类型 2 1.3.3 船级 2 1.3.4 船舶主要尺度及型线 2 1.3.5船舶结构 2 1.3.6动力装置 2 1.3.7航速、续航力 2 1.3.8船舶性能 2 1.3.9船舶设备及甲板机械 3 1.3.10船舶船员配备及舱室设施 3 1.4设计任务书分析 3 1.4.1型线设计分析 3 1.4.2总布置设计 3 1.4.3性能分析 3 1.4.4结构分析 4 1.5基本设计思想 4 1.6本章总结 4 第2章 主尺度、排水量的确定 5 2.1主尺度的确定 5 2.1.1主要尺度确定的最初阶段 5 2.1.2主尺度确定 5 2.2排水量估算 7 2.2.1计算方法概述 7 2.2.2空船重量的计算 7 2.2.3载货量估算 8 2.2.4排水量的计算 9 2.3重量重心估算 9 2.3.1 重心垂向高度的估


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