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摘要 微小型化是当今技术领域发展的重要趋势之一,微电子机械系统(Micro Electro Mechanical System,简称MEMS)正是顺应这一趋势而应运而生的一门新学科。传感器技术是现代科学技术发展水平的重要标志,它与通信技术、计算机技术构成现代信息产业的三大支柱,其对人类社会具有革命性影响,是关系国民经济建设和国家安全保障的战略高科技。 触觉与视觉一样,都是模拟人的感觉,是机器人实现与环境直接作用的必需媒介。常用触觉传感器有压阻式触觉传感器、光传感式触觉传感器、压电式触觉传感器、电容式触觉传感器等。其中压阻式触觉传感器是利用硅的良好机械和电学性能,通过扩散或离子注入的方法将力敏电阻注入到感压薄膜中实现感压元件和转换电路的集成,具有输入和输出间良好线性关系,制作工艺简单等优点。 触觉传感技术是实现智能机器人技术的关键因素之一,触觉传感器的发展对智能机器人具有相当重要的意义。其广泛应用一直备受学者们的关注,尤其在生物医药、食品加工、及微外科学等应用非常广泛。因此,世界上许多国家均不同程度地花费大量人力、物力和财力从事触觉传感器的研究。 本文首先介绍了微电子机械系统、触觉等相关概念,然后叙述了触觉传感技术研究现状和发展趋势,再详细总结了常见类型触觉传感器性能特点及研究现状,最后简单介绍有限元方法在传感器设计中的应用。 关键字: 微电子机械系统,触觉传感器,压阻式,智能机器人,设计 ABSTRACT Microminiaturization is the current development trend of nowadays technical field, yet MEMS has also created. Sensor technology is a critical criterion in judging the level of development of the modern science, which will effect national economy and state security. Sensor technology, communication technology, computer technology make up the three main stays of the modern information industry. Touch is the necessary medium to realize the direct action of robot and surroundings. The common tactile type sensor includes piezoresistive tactile sensor、light sensor type tactile sensor、piezoelectric tactile sensor、capacitive touch sensor and so on. Piezoresistive tactile sensor bring about the integration of sensing element and switch circuit by silicic’s excellent electrical and mechanical properties, which has well linear relation between input and output. Tactile sensing technology is one of the crucial factors of realizing intelligent robot technology. The development of tactile sensor, to intelligence robot, has quite important sense. Its widely application, especially in Biomedicine、Food processing、Micro surgery and so on, has long been a major concern among the scholars. Therefore, many countries around the world spend much invest, a great amount of money, stuff, and manpower on studying tactile sensor. In the first, the text introduces the related concept of


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