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摘 要 通过访谈调查法、现场观察法、文献资料法、逻辑分析法对影响我国高校跆拳道专业学生裁判员临场执裁能力进行分析研究。结果表明,影响高校跆拳道专业学生裁判员临场执裁能力的主要因素有:裁判员跆拳道技术及规则理解程度、临场经验、裁判员临场心理状态、情绪、职业道德、管理制度。本论文从影响高校跆拳道专业学生裁判员临场执裁能力的诸多因素着手,通过对影响高校跆拳道专业学生裁判员临场执裁能力的因素分析,发现目前影响高校跆拳道专业学生裁判员临场执裁所存在的问题,并提出相应的对策和建议,旨在提高其临场执裁能力。 关键词:高校;跆拳道专业学生;裁判员;执裁能力 Abstract Through the interview survey procedure, the scene method of inspection, the mathematical method of average, the literature material law, the logical analytic method to affect Our country University Tae Kwon Do college major referee to be on site to hold cut ability to conduct the analytical study. The result indicated that affects the university Tae Kwon Do college major referee to be on site to hold cuts ability the primary factor to include: The referee Tae Kwon Do technology and the rule understood that the degree, is on site to experience, the referee to be on site the psychology, the mood, the occupational ethics, the control system. The present paper affects the Tae Kwon Do college major referee from the university to be on site to hold cuts ability many factors to begin, through is on site to the university Tae Kwon Do college major referee to hold cuts ability the influencing factor analysis, proposed that the present university Tae Kwon Do college major referee is on site the question which holds cuts exists, and proposed that the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion, are for the purpose of enhancing it to be on site to hold cut ability. Key word: University; Tae Kwon Do; Student; Referee; Sanction ability 目 录 1. 前言·································································(1) 2. 研究对象与研究方法····················································(1)2.1研究对象·······································??·······················(1) 2.2研究方法·······························································(1) 2.2.1访谈调查法····························································(1) 2.2.2现场观察法····························································(1) 2.2.3文献资料法········


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