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王 充 政 治 思 想 研 究 邵維慶 國立宜蘭技術學院人文及科學教育中心 摘要 王充字仲任,會稽上虞人,生於東漢光武三年(西元二七年),卒於和帝永 元中(約西元九六年前後),享年約七十餘歲。王充在我國歷代思想家中,評價 最為兩極化:毀之者認為其「非聖無法,背經離道,好奇立異之人」;贊譽者認 為其「雖前世孟軻、孫卿、近世揚雄、劉向、司馬遷不能過也」。近世研究王充 之學者,對王充則是肯定有加,使王充之研究一時蔚為顯學。甚至外國學者對 其思想之研究亦不多讓,對王充思想的貢獻,大加推崇。 有漢一代朝野政治氣氛,沈迷於迷信之中。王充以懷疑態度,有計劃的難 感應、駁五行,非讖緯及反迷信,以三十年的光陰寫成 《論衡》一書,勇敢立 論,與當朝「虛妄」對抗。又以其親身經驗提出政治主張,頗能切中時弊,亦 可見其有破壞,亦有建設的一面。其中最精彩而為人所稱道的,莫過於其批評 的精神,有方法、有見解,直逼近代實證主義精神,為中國政治思想中少有。 王充政治思想對漢代迷信之政治風氣,確有摧陷廓清,正本清源之功效。 亦頗能洞察時弊,指摘失政。在我國政治思想史上,無疑地獨樹一幟,有其歷 史地位。他的懷疑哲學,批評精神以及務實的政治思想等,我們都應該給予肯 定的評價。 關鍵詞:王充、論衡、董仲舒、天人感應、陰陽五行、國命說 Political thoughts of Wang Ch’ung Wei-Ching Shaw Humanities and Science Education ,National Ilan Institute of Technology Abstract Wang Ch’ung lived during the East Han dynasty (27 AD to 96 AD.) Opinions on Wang’s contribution polarized at two extremes. He was described as one who “denied all values of the holy emperors and their achievements and betrayed Confucianism and pursued heresies,” whereas he was also described as “of the same rank as Mong-Zu, Sheng-Zu, Yong Shung, Lui Sheng or Shu-ma Ching in Chinese history”. Recently Wang Ch’ung researchers, Chinese or foreigner, have been praising him as a marvelous thinker. The political atmosphere in Han Dynasty was heavily superstitious. However, Wang Ch’ung wrote on the interaction between heaven and man, and questioned the validity of Wuh-sing, incantations and superstitions. He spent 30 years writing the famous work 《Lun-hum 》. In this work, he bravely confronted the illusionary thoughts of his time. His political proposals were based on real life experience. They were both destructive and constructive to the political practice at the time.


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