Apposition Clause同位语从句.ppt

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Apposition Clause同位语从句

1.同位语从句:that   有些名词的后面可以接that引导的同位语从句: 2.同位语从句:whether   whether可以引导同位语从句.(而定语从句不能用whether作为引导词) He hasnt made the decision whether he will go there. 他还没有做出决定是否去那里。   I have small doubt whether he is suitable for the job. 他是否适合这件工作我有点怀疑。 注:在名词doubt“怀疑”后的同位语从句用whether连接;在no doubt“不怀疑”之后的同位语从句用that连接。 我们怀疑他们是否能准时完成任务。 We have some doubt whether they can complete the task on time.   我们相信张卫会守信的。 There is no doubt that Zhang Wei will keep his promise. 3.同位语从句:what?   what可以引导同位语从句,而定语从句不能用what作为引导词 I have no idea what he is doing now. 我不知道他现在在干什么。 我不知道我们明年要做什么。 I have no idea what we will do next year. 4.同位语从句:how?   how可以引导同位语从句,而定语从句不能用how作为引导词 Its a question how he did it. 那是一个他如何做了此事的问题。 5.同位语从句:who?   who, whom, which, when, where, why用来引导同位语从句 The question who should do the work requires consideration. 谁该干这项工作,这个问题需要考虑。 She raised the question where we could get the fund. 她提出这个问题:我们到哪儿去搞这笔资金。 四、同位语从句的语气 在suggestion, advice, request, order等意为“建议;命令;要求”的名词后,同位语从句中的谓语动词通常用“should +动词原形”的虚拟语气结构,句中的should可以省略。 Our teacher gave us some advice how we (should) use the computer. 老师给我们提出了一些如何使用电脑的建议。   The suggestion came from the chairman that the new rule (should) be adopted. 采纳新规则的建议是主席提出来的。? The government gave the order that all these houses (should) be pulled down in three weeks. 政府下令三个星期内所有这些房子都要拆掉。 * * Apposition Clause (同位语从句) 一、同位语从句的概念 二、同位语从句的引导词 三、其后常用同位语从句的名词 五、同位语从句与定语从句的区别 四、同位语从句的语气 一、同位语从句:主从复合句中用作同位语的从句,即从句在句中作主语或宾语的同位语,是对句子主语或宾语的解释、说明。(名词性从句之一)用以说明前面名词所表示的具体内容。 e.g. We heard the news that our team had won. The news that our team had won the game made us excited. 二、引导同位语从句的词通常有连词(that, who, whether),连接副词(how, when, where)等。 e.g. I have no idea when he will be back. how he can get the gift. where the concert will be hold. who can finish the work. why it happened. which pen is mine. what we should do next. whom they are talking about. whether it’ll rain tomorrow. that our football team won the game. We made the decisio



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