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题 目 CCD相机电子快门控制技术的研究 Topic Electronic control technology to shutter of CCD camera 摘  要 CCD(Charge Coupled Device)是电荷耦合器件的缩写,它是一种特殊半导体器件,CCD应用技术是光机电和计算机相结合的高新技术。 本文从CCD出发,系统地介绍了CCD的CV-A50/CV-A60相机为例,阐述CCD相机的控制时序,并介绍了调光的种类及各自的优缺点。本文以为例,详细地介绍了用AVR单片机CCD AVR单片机 ABSTRACT CCD (Charge Coupled Device) is a kind of special semiconductor device, which is a new kind of solid imaging device. It not only has the fuction of conversion of light to electricity, but also has the fuction of storage, transfer and read-out of singals. Technique of CCD is high and new technique that contains light, machine, gives or gets an electric shock to combine together with the computer. Now CCD technology is widely applied in the front of video acquisiton, which changes optical signal into the electric signal through photo electricity, to satify the treatment of the follow-up circuit. Starting from CCD, this paper introduces the development, structure, characteristic, ategorised of CCD and by taking an example of CV-A50 /CV-A60 camera, it explains the control time sequence of the CCD camera, and introduces the kind of adjusting luminance and ones own pluses and minuses. Taking AT mega16 as an example, the paper shows the software and hardware architechture of adjustion system to give out a new method of sytem design of luminance adjust. Keyword: CCD, AVR one-chip computer, Adjustion of luminance 目 录 第一章 绪 论 1 第二章 CCD介绍及调光原理 2 2.1 CCD介绍 2 2.2 调光原理 4 第三章 CV-A50/CV-A60相机及图像采集卡 7 3.1 CV-A50/CV-A60相机的工作方式 7 3.2 图像采集卡 10 第四章 AVR Mega16单片机介绍 12 4.1 AVR单片机介绍 12 4.2 AT Mega16单片机硬件简介 13 4.3 AVR Mega16单片机编程 18 第五章 单片机控制调光设计 22 5.1 总体设计 22 5.2 硬件设计 23 5.3 软件设计 24 5.4 实验结果 25 结 论 27 致 谢 28 参考文献 29 附 录 30 附录一 AT Mega16芯片引脚图 30 附录二 AT Mega16主控单片机调光程序 30 第一章 绪 论 目前,视频技术已经广泛应用于监控和测量领域,并在宇航、遥感、军用设备、自动控制等方面有很多应用。民用的CCD相机,广泛应用在各种需要监视和图像采集的环境中。例如:银行监视器的镜头,数码相机镜头,数码摄像机镜头,手机镜头等中都得到了广泛的使用。 视频技术通常由采集,处理和分析三部分组成。作为图像采集前端的CCD,承担着将光信号转变成电信号的任务,直接影响着后续的计算机图像处理的效果,对整个系统的性能起着重要作用。 快门时间是


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