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摘 要 本研究是以内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市乌审旗境内毛乌素沙地为研究区域,以紫花苜蓿作为实验材料,研究的主要内容是准确计算作物需水量,制定出最优灌溉制度,以达到节水灌溉的目的。本研究根据乌审旗2009年作物生长期逐日气象资料采用FAO推荐的Penmen-Monteith公式Kc、降雨资料、降雨间隔天数、潜在腾发率、作物生育阶段内的平均高度等)用公式ETC=KC×ET0计算得到苜蓿的需水量并对结果进行分析。研究结论如下: (1)在作物整个生育期内,作物的需水量是前期小、中期大、后期小的变化规律。除植株大小、叶面积指数外,温度、日照时数、风速也是影响作物需水量的主要因素。 (2)紫花苜蓿作物系数变化过程与它的日需水强度变化过程一样,即前期小,中期大 (3)作物的敏感性指数规律是现蕾期和开花期较大,返青期和分枝期较小,表明在现蕾期和开花期灌水对作物的产量影响较大。 关 键 词: 紫花苜蓿 参考作物腾发量 Penmen-Monteith方程 作物需水量  灌溉制度 敏感性指数 Abstract This study is based on the Ordos Uxin Banner MuUsShadi in Inner Mongolia region. The main content of the study is calculating water demand of crop of the alfalfa exactly ,and work out the best irrigation program to reach the aim of water-saving irrigation. The study based on the muUsShadi 2009 crop growing daily meteorological data selection FAO recommended Penmen - Monteith equation calculated alfalfa reference crop evapotranspiration volume. According to the information (the initial various crops crop coefficient Kc, rainfall, rainfall interval days, potential evapotranspiration rate, Crop growth stage of average height, etc.) used formulas of ETC = KC×ET0 crop water requirement analysis of the results. Conclusion of the study are as follows : (1)The crop growing periods, the crop water requirement of pre-small, medium, small changes in the latter part of the law. Excepting the growth of plants, leaf area index, the temperature, sunshine hours, wind speed are also the main factors to the crop water requirement. (2)Crop coefficient change process same as its process of change on water demand intensity that of early is small, medium is large and post-it is smaller. (3)Crops sensitivity of the law is budding period and flowering period is big, period of seedling establishment and branches is small, in the budding period and flowering period pour water for crop production is greatly influenced. Key words:alfalfa reference crop evapotranspiration Penmen-Monteith equation duty of water irrigation program crops


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