
掩护式液压支架的设计(液压支架的设计 ).doc

掩护式液压支架的设计(液压支架的设计 ).doc

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掩护式液压支架的设计(液压支架的设计 )

前 言 煤炭是工业的粮食,目前及在相当一段时期内,我国能源生产和消费结构中以煤炭为主的格局不会改变,且数量每年都在递增,只有依靠科技进步,依靠煤炭生产的机械化和自动化才能满足工业生产的这一需要。综合机械化采煤方法是高效安全的采煤方法,而液压支架是综合机械化采煤方法中最重要的设备之一。 液压支架在我国煤矿中的使用已有近三十年的历史。从消化先进设备开始,到我国能独立研究、设计的制作,我们已经积累了丰富的经验。通过在学院函授站的学习,使我对这一部分知识有了更加全面、更加系统的认识和了解,并利用毕业设计这个机会,对我矿井下工作面所用的液压支架进行了选型和设计。由于自己的能力有限,经验不足,再加上时间较紧,有不妥之处,希望能得到有关专家和老师的指正。 摘 要 ZY3200/14/34掩护式液压支架的设计,主要是针对冀中集团梧桐庄矿22313工作面的煤层、围岩情况及其配套设备进行选型设计的一种实用液压支架,它包括以下几个部分: 通过介绍整个矿井的地质条件及工作面的实际情况,结合支架的发展情况及分类,对液压支架进行了选型,并确定其基本技术参数。 根据结构部件在整个液压支架中承载情况及作用,详细对支架的顶梁、四连杆机构、侧护板、底座、立柱、各种千斤顶等部件进行了结构设计,确定了其整体结构尺寸。重点对立柱做了结构、技术参数说明,并根据其承载的工作阻力对立柱的稳定性,活塞杆和缸体的强度进行了校验。 介绍了该支架液压系统的特点,详细说明了立柱、各种千斤顶系统的基本控制回路及它们的工作原理,并对泵站液压元件、液压管路进行了选型。 关键词: 掩护式液压支架 结构部件 液压系统 Abstract The design ZY3200/14/34 cover-powered support is mainly for Xing tai Mining Group, Xing tai 22313 face of the coal mine, and its surrounding equipment selection is for the design of a practical hydraulic support. It includes the following components: Through the introduction of the entire mine geological conditions and the real situation face combined with the development of supports and classification of the hydraulic support for the selection and establish the basic technical parameters. According to the structural components in the hydraulic support of the whole situation and bearing in the role of detail on top of the support beams, four-bar linkage, the side of the shield, base, post, and a variety of jack, and other parts of the structure design, and determine the over all structure of its size. Focus on doing a column structure, technical parameters that on the basis of carrying on the work of the resistance to the stability of the column, cylinder piston rod and the intensity of the check. This paper introduces the characteristics of the support hydraulic system、the column、the basic control loop of a variety of jack system and their working principle, and selects the hydraulic pump station components and hydraulic lines. Key words: cover-powered support the structu


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