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2010 10 高等教 育研 究 Oct. , 20 10 31 10 Jour nal of H igher Education V ol. 3 1 No. 10 * 何万国, 漆新贵 ( 重庆文理学院教务处, 重庆402160) : 大学生实践能力包括一般实践能力专业实践能力和综合实践能力, 每 实践能 力都由知识和相应技能两大基本要素构成实践能力形成的心理机制可以概括为知识向技能 的转化内化与迁移的过程提高大学生的实践能力, 应包括转变师生的传统观念创设多样 化的实践活动环境采取有针对性的教学模式及创建多元的实践共同体等策略 : 大学生; 实践能力; 能力结构; 形成机制 : G642. 0 : A : 2010) On the Formation Mechanism of College Students Practical Ability HE Wanguo, QI Xingui ( Of f ice of A cad em ic Af f air s , Chong qing Univ er sity of A r ts S ciences , Chong q ing 402 160, Ch ina) Abstract : College tudent practical ability can be divided into thr ee kind , uch a g en er al practical ability, prof e ional practical ability and integrated practical ability. Each of practical ability i formed by know ledg e and it corre ponding kill. In the per pective of p ychology, the form ation m echani m of practical ability can be co ncluded a the pro ce of tran formation, internalization and tran fer from know ledg e to kill. T o im prove colleg e tudent practical ability, uch tactic hould be employed a follow , changing faculty and tudent tr aditional idea , creating multiple practical enviro nm ent, adopting tar getoriented teaching model, and forming the multicomponent practical com munity. Key words: college tudent ; practical ability ; tructure of ability; for matio n mechani m [ 1] 1999 , # !: ∀ , , ∀ , #, #2009


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