(英文版)晶体硅太阳能电池组件成品检验标 准.pdf

(英文版)晶体硅太阳能电池组件成品检验标 准.pdf

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(英文版)晶体硅太阳能电池组件成品检验标 准

文件编号: ET-WI-MUTQD72 质量环境安全管理体系 版本/修订号: A/0 晶体硅太阳能电池组件 生效日期: 2013-10-27 成品检验标准 页次: 1 /20 1.范围 本标准规定了本公司生产的晶体硅太阳电池组件 (以下简称组件)成品入库放行的质 量要求,检验方法及判定规则。 本标准适用于本公司生产的常规组件产品外观检验、EL和电性能测试。 1.scope This standard specifies the finished product storage release requirements, inspection method and decision rule of the crystalline silicon solar module produced by our company (hereinafter referred to as the module). This standard is applicable to the appearance inspection, EL and electrical performance test of all routine modules produced by our company. 2 .术语和定义 组件的各项外观缺陷按其对产品性能的影响分为A、B、C三类。 1)A类:对组件的安全、可靠性能有影响,或导致组件的光电转换功能丧失,不符合 符合法律法规强制要求的缺陷。 2)B类:可能减少组件功率输出、或使组件的辅助功能丧失的缺陷。 3)C类:不会影响产品的使用性能,但已经超出质量要求的缺陷。 2. terms and definitions The appearance defects of modules according to its effect on product performance are divided into A, B, C three classes. 1) Class A: refers to the defects that affect the safety, reliability of module, or lead to loss of photoelectric conversion function of module, or do not comply with the mandatory requirements of applicable laws and regulations. 2) Class B: refers to the defects that may reduce the power output of module, or lead to loss of the auxiliary function of module. 3) C class: refers to the defects that does not affect the service performance, but has gone beyond the quality requirements. 3 检验方法 3.1 组件的外观检验方法如无特别说明,应在照度不低于800lx的白炽灯下,距离1米, 裸眼视力在1.2以上 (视角任意)的正常条件下对组件进行观察。 3.2 组件的EL检测按 《组件EL测试作业指导书》进行。 3.3 组件的电性能指标按 《组件功率测试检验指导书》进行。 3.inspection method 3.1 If no special instructions, appearance of modules shall be observed from


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